Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Home Made Power Plant - Download

Are You Losing Sleep And

Worrying Over Expensive Bills?

Discover How To Pay Only $3 For Electricity This Month...
Next Month... Forever... It's Legal, It's Easy, And You Can Do It Today!

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A Private Message From:

Frank Patrick, Alternative Energy Researcher

and the author of Home Made Power Plant

Dear friend,

What you're about to discover will literally blow your mind and it will "force" you to see beyond conventional ideas. You'll see new things that will have a huge impact on your wealth, your health and even your future.

You'll discover the naked-truth about alternative electricity!

By the time you'll finish to read my message below you'll know how to:

reduce your electricity costs by 80% or even eliminate them entirely
get your power company to pay you for the surplus electricity you generate
build your own windmill and solar panel for under $200
save our planet from pollution by adopting green technology for your home.

This video shows you the tremendous power of a FREE energy:

Amazing, isn't it? -- That's everybody says...

In fact here are some letters that I've received from
people like you who already adopted the alternative electricity in their homes.

Success Story From Hank M.

Hank is a 43 year old husband and father and since he was the only one working in his family he had to think about how to cut some of their costs.

Letter from Hank:

"Hello Frank,

I want to say that now since I have built my own solar powered generator I have literally killed my energy bill instead of having it killing me...

The thing is my wife can't work at the moment and I'm the only one to support my family. My 16 year old son is playing all day long on his computer and I have to admit me and my wife like to watch a lot of TV also.

But doing all of this with just one salary to support all of us was putting a strain on our monthly expenses. But once I found about your book from a friend I was eager to build my own solar generator so I can get rid of my energy bill and basically add a few hundred dollars to my salary without even having to ask my employer for a raise..

I'd like to sincerely thank you for putting the effort in writing this book for people like us who NEED it so much!

Hank Martin"

"Hi Frank,

I have been looking for something like this for ages! I just wanted a way to make my own energy so I don't experience any of the blackouts that were becoming ever more frequent lately and it was so frustrating because I couldn't watch my favorite TV shows anymore!

I recommend this book and the home made energy generators for everyone who is annoyed by blackouts. It really saves you the headaches!"

Diana M.

You Might Be Wondering Who I Am And

What Exactly Am I Talking About...

My name is Frank Patrick and ever since I was a boy I was fascinated by the power of nature. I remember that I used to spend countless hours out in nature just admiring the sound of the wind, the clouds and the sun.

I've been also fascinated by the enormous potential in the sources of alternative energy that nature offers us every day but we're not smart enough to collect it on a large scale. When I say alternative energy I mean: the power of wind, the power of sun, biodiesel and ethanol that are totally FREE and don't harm the environment.

I like to think that I've read all about alternative energy in all the years I've been investigating it; how it's collected, how it can be produced and what devices we need for capturing it from nature. The more I investigated it the more obvious it become to me that everybody can produce their own electricity at home.

Check this video to see the efficiency of a solar panel:

Solar Panel Harnessing Free Energy From The Sun

...and see how a wind generator works:

Windmill Harnessing Free Energy From The Wind

Driven by this idea I decided to go beyond and wanted to design and create my own plans for generating electricity as easily as humanly possible. After finding the solution...the miracle happened. I implemented all the models on my home and the results amazed even the most skeptical friends.

Since the energy solutions I came with are environmentally friendly and reduce air pollution...I decided to take my plans public and to help any man or woman who is interested in discovering how to save hundreds of dollars each month... This is how "Home Made Power Plant" was born.

Basically my book will teach you how to convert the limitless power of wind and sun into electrical energy and to build your own energy devices at home with less than $200. That's very cheap considering that you'll recover the money you've invested within the first month.

Here's how everything is connected:

Before discovering how my book will change your life, I would like you to know some important things...

the "Home Made Power Plant" manual is a step-by-step plan that teaches you how to save money...even to make money.It shows you how to build your own generators at home using some simple, cheap tools

you don't need to be an engineer or to have a a college degree to understand and apply what I'm describing in my book.

after you start to produce your own electricity...the EARTH and your grandchildren will thank for your legacy-- A HEALTY PLANET.

other people from all over the world have already started to produce their own electricity...it's time for you to embrace the future.

Watch how this man from Charlotte, NC managed to easily convert his home entirely on alternative electricity:

I often get asked by my friends ....

"Frank, Can you give me 3 reasons why

I should try your methods?"

I always reply...."Sure! I'll give you five..."

You'll save hundreds of dollars (even thousands) in electricity bill each month without lifting a finger.

You can earn a "fat" check every month from the power company for the extra electricity you produce.

It's extremely easy and cheap to build your own solar and wind generators (under $200 investment and it will last a lifetime)

The manual I developed is fully illustrated, and it is explained in plain English so even the least mechanically inclined person can understand and implement the ideas.

You'll have a significant role in saving the planet because you'll be one of the pioneers who will help eradicate the huge deposits of CO2 killing our planet.

Check the following video to see where we're heading...

Here's just a taste from "Home Made Power Plant":

the secret plans for producing your own electricity with the power of the wind for less than a $200 investment (once they are installed these systems will generate electricity for years and you don’t even need to worry about maintenance)

the most important things you should know about saving energy and why you haven’t been too successful in keeping your electrical bill low (Probably thousands of dollars have been thrown on the window- It's time to STOP the waste!)

the secret plans for building the solar generator for $200 using some simple tools that can be found in your garage (the process is explained in a way that anyone can do it!)

do the trick I show you in my book and the maintenance costs will drop instantly near zero (just imagine how would you feel when your electricity needs will be filled on auto pilot without paying a dime)

why you should always build a wind generator (it only takes few hours and can be built almost for free) instead of buying it. After you read chapter 4 I’m sure you’ll know for sure what you need to do.

how to transform building a wind generator into a fun activity that will bring great rewards (a close-to-zero electrical bill)

why not get rich and build your own alternative energy farm? It’s easier and cheaper than you think…and in chapter 5 I share all the secrets with you. (Hint: If you know how to do this…even the government will support you)

discover the most reliable methods for reducing your oil consumption. If you only knew how much you are wasting…I’m sure you’ll give a second thought to my 6th chapter...

What If I Give You My Book Almost For FREE...

When I started to write "Home Made Power Plant" I only had one dream...to teach thousands of people how to save hundreds of dollars each month in electricity costs...and ultimately to transform each one of you into evangelists for promoting a non-polluant method to generate energy.

Earth Needs Our Help More Than EVER!

It's a long road and the results will be seen 20 years from now when our children will breathe cleaner air and they will thank us for that. To make these dreams come true I'm going to ask for your help...I can't do it by myself...because I have a lot of expences with this website (servers, promoting, webmasters etc).

This is why I'm ask you to pay only $47 to download my ebook. This is a bargain considering the fact that initially I wanted to sell it for $97 and it will help you to save hundreds of dollars each month...on auto-pilot.

Update: At the moment, I'm barely breaking even with my internet business. Yeah, I know. Since I need to support myself, my accountant suggested to raise the price for my book to $97 or even $117. I'm still thinking... Act now before I raise the price... (and help keep it low)

Order even if it's 2 a.m. ( Your order is 100% secure!

The transactions are made through Clickbank.com the largest online retailer for digital products)

And Take Advantage of My Free Gifts...

As a token of my personal appreciation ...and because I like to think that we're friends now...please allow me to offer you a gift. There are 3 bonuses that you'll get for FREE once you'll order my book today. It's just my way to say THANK YOU for trying "Home Made Energy Plant".

Bonus #1- "Biodiesel- An alternative solution for your car and home" (a $37 value book--Free Today)

In this book I'm going to show you how to:

* run your diesel vehicle for 48 cents a gallon

* heat your home efficiently using the biodiesel

* produce as much biodiesel as you need using some simple techniques

* solve the problems of global warming and pollution

( Important note: It's been more than 15 years now since I started to use biodiesel in my home)

Bonus #2 - "Best Tricks & Tips To Save Energy" (a $27 value book--Free Today)

This booklet will give you the best tricks when it comes to saving energy. If you have thought that the way you use the computer, the tv or the heating doesn't affect the electricity bill significantly... then you need to think again.

Using the tips that I described inside you'll be able to save a lot of energy. Don't take my word for it...look inside.

Bonus #3 - "Free Updates For The Next 10 Years" ( at least $300 worth--Free Today)

My philosophy is simple. I always challenge what I've discovered...and I always want create something even better than what than I'm currently using for generating alternative electricity. So, as a result, my manual will be continually improved with hundreds of new ideas ...and if you become one of my select members today you'll benefit from all the UPDATES for the next 10 years.

No Pressure On Your Shoulders...

You're Fully Protected By My IRON CLAD

Money-Back Guarantee

Not only do I give you the key for saving hundreds of dollars each month, but also how to create a steady stream of income, not only that I'm teaching you how to create your own wind and solar electricity generators....and I make you one of the pioneers in saving the earth from disaster....

....I ALSO GUARANTEE Your investment is 110% safe.

I know that it's unlikely...but if for any reason you decide that my book doesn't work for you don't want to keep it, please send me an email and I'll refund all the money you invested - no hard feelings, no question asked whatsoever!. And we'll still be friends...

Moreover, to reward your efforts of trying "Home Made Power Plant" you can keep the book along with the bonuses even if you decide you want your money back.

Basically, you don't risk a dime ...Plus you get a lot of information for FREE. Act now and get your copy of "Home Made Power Plant" right now.

Order even if it's 2 a.m. ( Your order is 100% secure!

The transactions are made through Clickbank.com the

largest online retailer for digital products)

Now it's in your power to make your life a lot easier and to save hundreds of dollars each month. In several years alternative energy will be inevitable. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be one move ahead right now. Maybe then, knowing how everything works new opportunities will occur.

If I haven't convinced you by now that "Home Made Power Plant" is the best investment you can make today, probably I never will....I'm sure you've understood the benefits, but just to be sure I'll repeat one more time what you'll be downloading today:

* The main book - "Home Made Power Plant" (valued at $97 --today for only $47)

* Free Gift #1 - "Biodiesel- An alternative solution for your car and home" (a $37 value book--Free Today)

* Free Gift #2 - "Best Tricks & Tips To Save Energy" ( a $27 value book--Free Today)

* Free Gift #3 - "Free Updates For The Next 10 Years" ( at least $300 worth--Free Today)

So you pay Only $47 and you get a value of $461 . That's a great deal for a start, isn't it?

"Yes, Frank! I'm Ready To Learn How To Save Hundreds Of Dollars Each Month. I Want Your Step-by-Step Manual To Build My Own Wind & Solar Electricity Generators Cheaply and Easy..."

I understand that fora LIMITED TIME ONLY, I can get everything: the "Home Made Power Plant" manual along with your three bonuses...a total value of at least $461.

...and all this for only $97, $47.00.

As if that wasn't enough....I also have 60 days (that's 2 full months) for a 100% prompt and courteous refund if I'm not completely delighted with the "Home Made Power Plant" package.

I'm aware that by ordering your manual today and developing my own alternative-energy generator I will make my contribution toward saving the Earth from pollution.

Order even if it's 2 a.m. ( Your order is 100% secure!

The transactions are made through Clickbank.com the

largest online retailer for digital products)

That will be all for the moment. I expect you to join our environmental-friendly community and to start to produce your own electricity using the power of wind and sun.

Keep it green,

Frank Patrick

Alternative Energy Researcher

and the author of Home Made Power Plant

p.s - This low price (only $47 for the whole package) is very special and I cannot guarantee it will be the same by tomorrow. I have an appointment with my accountant tomorrow at 5 p.m and we'll probably agree that we need to raise the price. If I were you I would act right now!

p.p.s - If you still have questions that you didn't find answers to in the message above please feel free to check the FAQ part below. These questions are received from people just like you who were very interested in finding more details. Check out:

Q:" I don't live in U.S., can I still buy the manual from you?" - Klaus M.

A: Yes. Of course you can. Once you get on the "Order Page" just enter your card number (the transaction is guaranteed by Clickbank-the largest online merchant) and in a few moments you'll be redirected on the download page (even if it's 2 AM)

Q: "Where do I find the parts for building both the solar and the wind generators?" - James Stu.

A: All the parts can be found at the local hardware store. I've included several tips that will help you to build the device almost for FREE. Check out the manual now:

Click Here To Order "Home Made Power Plant"

Q: "How much power can the "Home Made Power Plant" produce?" - Elena M.

A: The device is designed to produce up to 1200 watts power. You'll find the complete performance details inside in my book.

Q: "Why should I choose your book instead of other related manuals?" - Marc Joshua

A: I'll give 3 good reasons:

1) "Home Made Power Plant" is the most practical guide from the market today. It was designed to be applied by anyone, whether if you're an engineer or someone who don't know how to connect 2 wires yet.

2) It's constantly updated with new fresh ideas...and you'll take it for FREE.

3) While other books are sold for $97 or even $127 ...you can get "Home Made Power Plant" for only $47

Click Here To Order

Q: "Is the windmill noisy? Will I have troubles with my neighbors?" - Catherine Z.

A: No. Your neighbors won't be affected by the noise because there is no noise. You can even install a wind generator on your balcony.

Q: "What about maintenance? How much it will cost me to maintain the devices?" - John C.

A: Install it and forget about it. It will generate you electricity on auto-pilot. The maintenance costs are very very low.

Q: "Are the wind and the solar generators safe? I mean...can I get electrocuted?"

A: You're totally safe...There's never been accidents of this kind. Everything will be secured so it won't harm you or your children.

Q: " What do other people who have tried your manual have to say about your book?" - Lorena M.

A: The majority were very happy with the results they managed to achieve. Here are some of the letters that I received from them:

Success Story From Tom & Linda

This family saved $3764 on light bills

over the past 12 months!

Tom and Linda have quite a big house with 6 rooms(3 kids) and a lot of electrical equipment to go with them: TV's, computers, washing machine. AC, refrigerators, etc. All of those use a LOT of energy..a $3754/year worth to be exact!

Letter from Tom and Linda:

"We noticed we were spending quite a lot on our electricity bill and were trying to figure out how to spend less.

At first we simply tried to restrict our energy usage - like watching TV less and not waste so much time on our 3 computers and of course turning all of them off when not needed.

But we soon realized we couldn't force ourselves into doing that so we just HAD to find a less painful way to save.

Luckily, we heard from some of our friends how they installed their own solar power generator and/or windmill to give them FREE energy, by using a guide they bought from you.

At first, we are ashamed to admit that, we were a bit skeptical about all this but we decided to give you some credit so we bought your book and we installed our solar generator in the first day! That's how easy it was to do it!

It's been a full year now since then and we'd like to give you a BIG THANK YOU for helping us save $3,157 so far!

Tom and Linda Donovan"

Success Story From Christine D.

Christine is a 34 yr old single mother with 2 jobs who has to support her little 9 yr old boy by herself and needs 2 jobs to just get enough money to survive the day.

Her electric bill is a huge problem is a big part of her monthly expenses and she wanted to get rid of it entirely if she only could.

Letter from Christine:

"Hi Frank,

I just want to thank you for being my guardian angel!

You heard me right. That's because your book has protected me against my monthly $430 energy bill.

Thanks to your guide, now I can save up to $288 each month with my own windmill that I built with the help of a couple of friends.

All of us had no mechanical experience but we didn't need any! Your plain and simple guide made it easy to follow the instructions.

Thanks again,


Order even if it's 2 a.m. ( Your order is 100% secure!

The transactions are made through Clickbank.com the largest online retailer for digital products)

Copyright (c) 2008 Frank Patrick

1 komentar:

Here's how to cut your electric bill up to 75%:

Want to know how to easily produce all of the renewable energy you could ever want right at home?

And you’ll be able to make your home completely immune from power outages, blackouts, and energy grid failures
so even if everyone else in your area (or even the whole country) loses power - you won’t.


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