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“Every month new information will be added that can make a difference in your life.”
Select the Membership Level that best fits your budget – Bronze, Silver or Gold
Here are some of the items you will be able to access in just the first month at our
# 1
Stop Aging and Stay Well
Stress is defined as any mental or bodily tension resulting from factors which tend to alter an existent equilibrium. Chronic stress can lead to distress, defined as pain, anxiety, physical or mental suffering, which is often diagnosed as a medical or psychiatric disorder.
Most people vaguely realize that chronic stress is harmful, but they can’t quite identify what it is until distress arises, and even then the relationship to stress is often not clear.
Even after chronic, severe, degenerative, distress and a total stress load has battered the mind/body, please know that it is always reversible. Getting to the root cause(s) by addressing all 12 types of chronic stresses listed (total stress load) through diagnostic testing and professional assistance, can bring your mind/body back to its preferred condition, the regenerative, parasympathetic, rest/digest condition. For authentic healing to occur, this is the most important factor in addressing any chronic medical or psychiatric condition.
This video – Stop Aging and Stay Well – identifies the 12 types of stressors that are at the root cause of all medical and psychiatric disorders, premature aging and death.
1) Cognitive Stress (e.g., irrational demands)
2) Emotional Stress (e.g., losses, post-traumatic)
3) Sensory Stress (e.g., chronic pain disorders)
4) Metabolic Stress (e.g., low/high blood sugar)
5) Toxic Stress (e.g., heavy metals, chlorine)
6) Immune Stress (e.g., autoimmune, allergy)
7) Infectious Stress (e.g., lyme, candida, GI )
8 ) Purposelessness Stress (e.g., no spirituality)
9) Endocrine Stress (e.g., hormonal, PMS, aging)
10) Oxidative Stress (e.g., vein/arterial blockage)
11) Energetic Stress (e.g., electromagnetic, geopathic)
12) Neurotransmitter Stress (e.g., serotonin)
You can live happier, more joyful lives and know that you can do something about the premature death and disability that is being worsened by the health care system with its overuse and abuse of medication.
Video is 50 minutes (value over $20)
# 2
Pre-Recorded Webinars
Webinars are regularly added and you will have the opportunity to view these at any time.
(Most webinars are 1 hour and over 10 hours is available right now. Note that Silver and Gold Members will receive more webinars than Bronze.)
Current topics available include:
* Correcting Sleep Disorders
* Sleep Apnea
* ADHD Causes and Recovery
* Detoxification (5 part series)
* Depression, Anxiety, Burnout and Mood Disorders (5 part series)
# 3
Gant’s Hot Newsletter
You will receive “Gant’s Hot News” – a special newsletter only members receive about cutting edge research in Integrative and Functional Medicine. Keep up on the latest info before anyone else.
# 4
Basic Concepts in Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Medicine
If you want to have optimal health, you should review this program. Here are some of the things you will learn in this course:
- What is Integrative Medicine?
- Four modes of Integrative Medicine Treatment
- Nutritionally Essential and Semi-essential amino acids
- 10 kinds of “good stuff”
- 6 kinds of “bad stuff”
- What is the “Gut” factor
- The five “Rs”
- Gant’s Law
- Gant’s Disorder
- and more
This Basic Concepts program includes a PDF guidebook as well as almost 2 hours of video which you can download to your computer. Retail value of printed PDF and download video version is over $200.
# 5
Mindfulness and the Grand Unified Theory of Mind Brain Function In this video, Dr. Gant gives some background on his past medical experience and then takes a small group through some mindfulness exercises. In his “frontal lobe workout”, the objective is to realign consciousness away from individual, separate, fragmented self to a Larger Self connected to current experience.
You will be able to put these exercises into effect right away.
Video is 2 hours (value over $20)
# 6
Pre-Recorded Webinars
Webinars are introduced on various health conditions and you will have the opportunity to view these at any time. Most webinars are 1 hour. Over 25 hours available now.
Current topics include:
* ADHD Treatment
* Autism (3 part series)
* Autoimmune Disorders
* Cancer (6 part series)
* PTSD Treatment
* Detoxification (5 part series)
* Endocrine Stress (3 part series)
* Correcting Sleep Disorders
* Hardening of Arteries and Cardiovascular Disease
* Depression, Anxiety, Burnout and Mood Disorders (5 parts)
Note: You will be billed $19.95 a month for only 5 months but you may cancel your subscription at any time. After 5 months you will be considered a “Lifetime Silver Member”.
(Registration fee of $25 is waived if you join now)
Order with your credit card or Paypal – Click on the ClickBank image below
Note: ClickBank is a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. Their policy states that they will honor refunds within 60 days of purchase.
After purchase, you will receive an email with instructions and then be able to immediately download the electronic materials. Download delivery time will vary depending on the type and quality of computer equipment and Internet connection. PDF documents should take less than a minute but videos will usually take several minutes depending on their length.
You will be able to access all of the Bronze and Silver Level above plus what is listed below:
# 7
ADHD Complementary and Alternative Medicine SolutionsIn The ADHD Program You Will Learn:
* What are the 8 Biomedical Risk Factors for AD/HD
Two of these are :
1) Heavy and Toxic Metal Toxicity and
2) Food and Additive Allergies
Learn what the other important 6 factors are.
* What are the functional lab tests that you must conduct.
There are 7 main kinds of “bad stuff” (toxins or poisons).
One important test is for heavy and toxic metal toxicities and you will discover the best way to test for this as well as all the other lab tests.
* What are the crucial nutrients you must have to overcome the symptoms
There are 11 kinds of “good stuff” (nutrients).
Some specific B vitamins are very important. Learn what other nutrients are essential.
* What is the Ideal Protocol for Diagnosis and Treatment.
This protocol is almost never conducted by conventional doctors.
Take this and give it to your doctor and demand that s/he follow it!
* The Gut-Brain Connection and the 5 “R’s”.
The GI tract can be a critical factor in the recovery process. The GI tract is easily damaged, usually from an overgrowth of unhealthy organisms or “bad critters” (bacteria, yeast, viruses and parasites). When damage or inflammation occurs, the extraction of nutrients can be hindered (called malabsorption ) and the barrier to toxins may break down, a condition called leaky gut. Find out what you can do using the 5 “R’s”.
* What is the role for psychotherapy?
When is it used? And what type is best for AD/HD
* The 8 causes of psychological stress
What role does stress play and how do you manage it in AD/HD
* The Mind/Body Connection
You might be surprised what you learn.
* The affect on the brain and body using prescription drugs
* Ritalin (cocaine-like drug)
* Adderall (amphetamine-like drug)
* Sample case studies
* Sample tests and test results
* and more
“I have known about and personally observed from the beginning Dr. Charles Gant’s remarkable success rate in the diagnosis and treatment of ADD/ADHD. I have also eagerly awaited this published report of his work and how-to manual.
This exciting book finally reveals to the world what complementary/alternative medicine has to offer to patients and their parents who are victims of this devastating twentieth-century malady. Dr. Gant’s approach properly corrects the problem, instead of thoughtlessly prescribing Ritalin with all its side-effects, simply to shut the patients up. In my opinion, Dr. Gant has more knowledge and experience than anybody in this field of medicine, and specifically in the real psycho-neuropathology of ADD/ADHD. He and his coworkers have put together foolproof method of handling the whole problem.
I strongly recommend the reading of this revolutionary book by all sufferers of ADD/ADHD, their families, their teachers, and all healthcare personnel who attempt to treat them.”
Jeffery Wiersum, MD
Syracuse, NY
“Dr. Charles Gant has forever changed the lives of my husband and four children through painstaking investigation into the medical causes and treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder. Our family is now free of symptoms which previously had torn our lives apart. We are happy and healthy without amphetamines!”
Kathe & Bob Ringham
Syracuse, NY
This well researched ADHD program includes a PDF ebook as well as almost 2 hours of video which you can download to your computer. Retail value of printed PDF and download video version is over $200.
# 8
Addiction 101
Basic Orthomolecular Concepts
of Substance Use Disorders
Dealing with the “Body” in Recovery of Mind, Body and Spirit
Regardless of how often you may have been told that “you don’t want it bad enough,” the responsibility for failing to achieve an enduring recovery lies more with a system of treatment that is becoming rapidly obsolete, than it has to do with you. If you or someone you love has failed to recover from substance or alcohol problems, I want you to know that most of the responsibility for that outcome lies squarely with a treatment system that has failed to address recent scientific discoveries about the brain. I recommend that you take a fresh new look at this addiction dilemma, pick up the pieces from where you are today and embark on a rational recovery process that is based on science instead of hearsay.
The information will explicitly define the reason that treatment outcomes are so dismal. This information will map a new path that allows you to join the many thousands of “treatment failures” who now enjoy successful recoveries without the need for prescription drugs, and without the nagging symptoms such as mood swings, sleep problems and cravings that you might have been told were “normal” or “just part of the recovery process.” These symptoms are due to well-defined biochemical imbalances that can be completely overcome in almost everyone by applying a little common sense – and by anyone willing to think freely and ask some basic questions.
The Addiction 101 program has almost 2 hours of video which you can download to your computer. Retail value is over $200.
# 9
Addiction 201
End Nicotine Addiction Now
In this program, I am going to provide you with simple, helpful, completely drug-free and natural, and scientifically accurate information which you, or someone you care for, can use to help End Nicotine Addiction Now.
The answer to ending nicotine addiction already lies within our marvelous biochemistry, which is powered by the energy coursing through all 100 trillion cells of our body and brain. In this educational series I will explain how your biochemistry works, especially as it relates to the effects of nicotine. Information is power and once you understand how your powerful life’s biochemistry and energy work, you will be em-powered to take action and end your nicotine addiction.
The answer to ending nicotine addiction also lies in my personal story, a physician’s quest to find an answer to nicotine that is natural, scientifically sound, safe and easy to apply. Having a deep faith in the functional design of the chemistry and energy that we are created with, I searched for and gradually perfected a method – with the help of thousands of my patients – that would reverse the brain chemistry imbalances which were both caused by nicotine and which also drove them to keep using nicotine.
In successfully treating thousands of patients, I also discovered ways of unraveling the twisted mind game that a drug like nicotine plays on a smokers psychological state. I encountered astounding unethical and illegal activities which the tobacco and pharmaceutical industry use to keep smokers and nicotine users hooked. The success I have had in helping smokers stop smoking is in part due to educating and empowering them with this critical information. I hope this knowledge also empowers you to End Nicotine Addiction Now, for yourself, for those you care about and for the world.
This well researched program includes a PDF ebook as well as almost 2 hours of video which you can download to your computer. Retail value of printed PDF and download video version is over $200.
# 10
Seven R’s of Brain Healing
R #1 Replenish Basic Brain Nutrition
- Learn about the five kinds of basic food supplements that should be consumed regularly
R #2 Revive The Gastro-Intestinal Tract (GI)
- Learn the 5 important steps that need to be taken to heal the GI Tract
R #3 Reduce Brain Oxidative Stress and Inflamation
- Learn the basic concepts about reducing stress and inflamation
R #4 Repair Neurons (Brain and Nerve cells)
- Learn about lipids, phospholipids and essential fatty acids that are vital for repairing the brain
R #5 Remove Neurotoxins (Brain/Nerve Poisons)
- Learn what you need to know about detoxing, which toxins you must be aware of and the most effective way to get rid of the toxins
R #6 Restore Neurotransmitters and Other Stress-Related Hormones
- Learn about the exact place in the brain that manages stress and how you can control it
R #7 Relinquish Physical and Emotional Hurt and Distress
- The Seven R’s of Brain Healing program has almost 3 hours of video which you can download to your computer.
Retail value is over $200.
# 11
Grand Unified Theory of Mind Brain Function After nearly 4 decades of practicing complementary/alternative, integrative and holistic medicine and psychiatry, and carefully assessing (and “curing”) many thousands of patients with in-depth, functional medicine testing and genomics (gene testing), I am happy to present the culmination of my life’s work – The Grand Unified Theory of Mind/Brain Function.
The philosophical approach to my work and research has always been science based, and I have tended to downplay proposed panaceas for the world’s ills as poppycock. After all, the human being is composed of roughly 200 trillion cells, each having 50 million chemical reactions per second. We have 6 feet of DNA per cell, which if unraveled and stretched out and connected end-to-end, calculates to 10s of billions of miles of DNA per person. When malfunctioning, how could anything so marvelous and complex be reduced to simplistic notions of one cure fits all. Panaceas are extraordinary claims and they must be supported by extraordinary evidence to be taken seriously.
For the first time in my life, I may have found the panacea. I say “may have” since it has only taken one ugly fact to destroy the most beautiful theories ever proposed. But so far, The Grand Unified Theory of Mind/Brain Function appears to subsume all approaches to healing within one model. And all attempts to discover fatal flaws in this model have so far failed. But I invite your skeptical critique and feedback. If anything appears to be out of alignment with my extraordinary claim, which by the way comes with extraordinary supportive scientific evidence, please contact me.
For now, may you enjoy a feast upon these truths. (20 concepts) Copyright 2009
Video is 2 hours (value over $25)
# 12
Pre-Recorded Webinars
Webinars are regularly introduced on various health conditions and you will have the opportunity to view these at any time. Most webinars are 1 hour. Over 30 hours are available now.
Current topics include:
* ADHD Treatment
* Alzheimers (6 part series)
* Autism (3 part series)
* Autoimmune Disorders
* Cancer (6 part series)
* PTSD Treatment
* Correcting Sleep Disorders
* Endocrine Stress (3 part series)
* Detoxification (5 part series)
* Hardening of Arteries and Cardiovascular Disease
* Depression, Anxiety, Burnout and Mood Disorders (5 parts)
Note: You will be billed $47 a month for only 5 months but you may cancel your subscription at any time. After 5 months you will be considered a “Lifetime Gold Member”.
(Registration fee of $25 is waived if you join now)
Order with your credit card or Paypal – Click on the ClickBank image below
Note: ClickBank is a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. Their policy states that they will honor refunds within 60 days of purchase.
After purchase, you will receive an email with instructions and then be able to immediately download the electronic materials. Download delivery time will vary depending on the type and quality of computer equipment and Internet connection. PDF documents should take less than a minute but videos will usually take several minutes depending on their length.
Level 1 – Bronze Member
$7.95Note: You will be billed $7.95 a month unless you cancel your subscription.
(Registration fee of $25 is waived if you join now)
Order with your credit card or Paypal – Click on the ClickBank image below
Note: ClickBank is a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. Their policy states that they will honor refunds within 60 days of purchase.
After purchase, you will receive an email with instructions and then be able to immediately download the electronic materials. Download delivery time will vary depending on the type and quality of computer equipment and Internet connection. PDF documents should take less than a minute but videos will usually take several minutes depending on their length.
Level 2 – Silver Member
$19.95Note: You will be billed $19.95 a month for 5 months unless you cancel your subscription. After 5 months no further charges will be made and you will be a “Lifetime Silver Member”.
(Registration fee of $25 is waived if you join now)
Order with your credit card or Paypal – Click on the ClickBank image below
Note: ClickBank is a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. Their policy states that they will honor refunds within 60 days of purchase.
After purchase, you will receive an email with instructions and then be able to immediately download the electronic materials. Download delivery time will vary depending on the type and quality of computer equipment and Internet connection. PDF documents should take less than a minute but videos will usually take several minutes depending on their length.
Level 3 – Gold Member
$47Note: You will be billed $47 a month for 5 months unless you cancel your subscription. After 5 months no further charges will be made and you will be a “Lifetime Gold Member”.
(Registration fee of $25 is waived if you join now)
Order with your credit card or Paypal – Click on the ClickBank image below
Note: ClickBank is a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. Their policy states that they will honor refunds within 60 days of purchase.
After purchase, you will receive an email with instructions and then be able to immediately download the electronic materials. Download delivery time will vary depending on the type and quality of computer equipment and Internet connection. PDF documents should take less than a minute but videos will usually take several minutes depending on their length.
Customer Service- Contact Geri: cegant2 at gmail.com
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