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You get 60 days to read, test, listen, and use Fat Loss Troubleshoot. If you are not happy within that time, you can request a refund, no questions asked. Since these materials are digital copies, you will be able to keep them. Really, there is nothing to lose and I am at the mercy of your own honesty, not the other way around. In my opinion, that is how I desire it to be as a customer myself. If you have any question, please contact me immediately. Contact information is below in the footer. Note: Billing will show a charge from or CLKBANK*COM not from or
Q: Is this a hard copy or digital ebook?
This is a digital ebook and audiobook that is delivered instantly to your computer.
Q: Can this be used on Kindle or other reading devices.
This is a standard PDF document. Most reading devices have apps or can automatically read a PDF file.
Q: Do I need any special supplements or foods?
No. This isn't that kind of a book.
Q: Am I not allowed to eat anything?
No. This isn't that kind of a book.
Q: I'm vegetarian or Paleo or vegan or Keto. Will this be a problem?
No. One of this book's purpose is to give you back dietary freedom.
Q: Do I need any special equipment to use this program?
I try to design these training programs so that the majority of people who want to start getting stronger and lose fat can do so with relative ease. If you have access to dumbbells and can use your bodyweight - you can use the training program provided.
Q:What is the difference between Starve Mode & The Fat Loss Troubleshoot?
I've tried to come up with the most simplistic way of relaying this answer, and here is what I have come up with.
The Fat Loss Troubleshoot focuses specifically on fat loss, how fat loss works, and how to troubleshoot if having problems with your fat loss. It also covers typical (and unique) fat loss stall situation, how to set up proper fat loss plans, and education on nutrition and training.
They do cross paths at certain points and having both is a tremendous asset to your goals, but they are very different books.
Starve Mode focuses specifically on how the metabolism works, what "slows" or "speeds" it, and how to optimize it in ANY situation. It also covers how to reset metabolic behavior if you feel you are in a spot of decrease metabolic activity.
Q: How can I contact you if I have a question?
Email contact is in the footer, as well as my facebook page. Don't hesitate to send a message.
Q:Do you really give refunds/good customer service?
I hate poor customer service. I am a consumer too. I buy books and materials off pages and websites just like this one. I expect to be treated with respect and I wouldn't treat you with any less respect than I require. You send me an email if you have any problems.
Q:Is there an age limit for this material? Is it friendly for those who are seniors or post-menopausal?
This material is for anyone over the age of 18. These principles are applicable to any age because it is not gimmicky or dependent upon unrealistic expectations.
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