-By Rich Bryda
Bestselling Strength & Fitness Author
Dear Friend,
If you’re interested in getting your body super ripped FAST — without using steroids, needing good genetics or having to lift a single weight (or even leave your home!)… then here’s how some “elite” Russian military soldiers do it.
And why you can now do the same thing.
Here’s the story:
My name is Rich Bryda, best-selling fitness and strength author, with over a half dozen best sellers on Amazon and other online book stores. And recently, I wrote a book that is revolutionizing the entire fitness industry — and making mainstream personal trainers, body builders and “fitness leaders” SHAKE with anger!
Because it basically…
Makes Everything They’re Saying
About Getting Ripped Obsolete!
Here’s what I mean:
Unlike what is popularly taught… the key to getting jacked is NOT lifting heavier weights or doing more reps.
Nor is it about sweating or straining or even spending all day in a gym.
It’s almost the exact OPPOSITE.
And thousands of my readers are finding this out every day — as they add slabs of muscle onto their backs, arms, legs and chests. As they feel more energy than they ever did while busting their asses in the gym. And as they are getting way more attention from women when walking down the street due to looking tougher, stronger and more confident.
And they’re doing it all without lifting heavy weights.
Without forcing hundreds of grams of protein down their throats.
And… without even sweating.
How is this possible?
It’s based on a secret science very few people know about.
You see, I’ve spent over 2 decades studying and using the best ways to work out. The best ways to pack on pounds of muscle while melting away body fat. And the best ways to do it without spending half your life in the gym. And recently, I discovered a way of working out (based on a little-known discovery from Russia’s most dangerous Spetsnaz Special Forces soldiers) for ANY man (no matter how scrawny you are now) to…
Have A “Combat Ready” Body
In Days And Weeks,
Instead Of Months And Years!
Sounds almost crazy, doesn’t it?
I understand, I was skeptical at first, too.
But it’s absolutely true and proven.
This secret way of working out lets even a guy who weighs a buck 25 soaking wet get ripped in his arms, chest, back and legs… sometimes as much as DOUBLE the amount of weight you can lift within just weeks… and get into the best shape of your life faster than you ever thought possible.
And guess what?
I’ve put this method in a quick reading book called:
“Effortless Exercise
For Men”
This book is short.
To the point.
And absolutely devoid of “fluff.”
Plus, to PROVE it will radically transform your body, I will even let you…
Read It Free,
If You Want!
I’ll explain more about that in a minute.
But first, here are some of the secrets inside:
- How to “trick” your central nervous system into packing solid slabs of muscle onto your back, arms and chest in 15 minutes per day — without even breaking a sweat!
- A secret way of using your “neural impulses” to blow right through any sticking points or plateaus.
- How to rest so your body automatically floods your system with GH (growth hormone).
- Sample exercises you can start doing the second you’re done reading about them. (No thinking, struggling or sweating required… this is the easiest and fastest workout ever invented, period.)
- Why the whole idea of “higher reps and lower weights” will destroy your muscle gain goals. (Unless you have perfect genetics, that will only keep you smaller and weaker — do this method in the book instead.)
- A “can’t fail” blueprint for turning your child (no matter how clumsy, uncoordinated or skinny he is now) into a superior athlete before middle school! (Want your kid to be a star? Just teach him this…)
- The single best and fastest way to build an impressive chest that’s the envy of all the grunting meatheads in the gym. (Hint: this has nothing to do with bench presses).
- The secret of using your pinky finger to get a big, wide “V-shaped” back. (I doubt even 1 in 1,000 body builders knows about this, but you will once you read my book.)
- The main exercise prison convicts use to get bigger and stronger than some of today’s top athletes! (Here’s exactly what they do — and you can do the same without leaving home or buying any equipment!)
- An ancient Indian exercise perfect for building explosive muscular endurance in just a matter of days. (If you’re an athlete or want to build athleticism into your body, do this simple movement and watch what happens!)
- How to get in the best cardiovascular health of your life in just 5 minutes per day. (No jogging, treadmills or equipment needed!)
- A secret way of using your TV set to grow your arms at least 1 inch bigger in 1 month. (Do this right and you will probably end up ripping the sleeves of any tight t-shirts you own just by flexing!)
- Herschel Walker’s secret workout routine. (Walker is one of the greatest athletes the world has ever known. Even at 50+ years old he’s 225 pounds and RIPPED — and competing in professional mixed martial arts! Here’s how he stays in ridiculous shape… and how you can use his exact routine.)
- And much, much more.
Anyway, here’s the deal:
The “Effortless Exercise For Men” system is based on pure science and the research and experimentation of some of the toughest “bad asses” this world has ever seen.
You won’t sweat and you don’t even need to go to the gym.
But I believe you WILL get more muscular and stronger.
In fact…
Your Body Will Have Almost
No Choice But To Get Ripped!
And each month your body KEEPS getting stronger and better looking.
Without needing “body-builder” genetics.
Without sweating your ass off.
And without even spending a lot of time.
In fact, that’s the best part:
It’s convenient.
There are no long hours in an over-priced gym required. No over-training to worry about. And it’s so easy… you can do most or all of the exercises at home during TV commercials, if you want.
I KNOW this all sounds almost impossible.
But I can assure you it’s real and it works. And to prove it, I’m making this absolutely painless for you to try by giving you a couple irresistible reasons to download my book TODAY.
The first reason is a “can’t possibly lose” guarantee.
It works like this:
Download my book today (even if it’s 2 am in the morning).
Use it for 60 days and watch what happens to your body.
If at any time during the next 60 days you aren’t absolutely convinced my method is the BEST solution you’ve ever seen for getting ripped… if your friends don’t beg you to tell them what your “secret” is… if women don’t suddenly start approaching you just to touch your chest and back and arms… then simply contact Clickbank and let them know.
You will get an IMMEDIATE refund, and…
You Can KEEP The Book
Just For Your Trouble!
You do not need to give a reason.
And you do not even have to talk to anyone.
Either my book turns you into a certified bad ass… or it’s free:
Click Below for Secure Order Form (Be sure to press the Return to Merchant button in PayPal to get back to this website and download your purchase.) Just $19.97 |
To make this even MORE of a “no brainer” for you to try, I’m also going to send you 5 of my best-selling fitness and strength training books — also yours to KEEP even if you ask for a refund later.
These FREE bonus books include:
“Brute Force Pull-Ups:
How to Do 20 Pull-Ups & Build a Wide & Powerful Back
in 1 Month Using the ‘Effortless’ Pull-Ups System”
If you have a big back, then you’re BIG.
It’s that simple.
Big chest, big arms, and big legs can get covered up and minimized in clothes. But a big back is hard to cover up… even in a sweater. And this fascinating new book teaches you a secret way to build a big “alpha male” intimidating back using JUST pull-ups.
Here are some of the benefits of doing pull-ups as described inside:
- Get a noticeably BIGGER back in just 30 days (the kind of back that is in a perfect “V” shape… that men envy and women can’t take their eyes and hands off of).
- No straining, struggling or even sweating required (as you’ll see, if it’s hard, that means you’re doing it wrong).
- Can be done in just minutes per day (perfect for if you’re always on the go).
- No weights or gym needed. (All you need is a pull-up bar you can get cheap online or in most sporting goods stores. Worst case: just use the monkey bars at your local park.)
- “Program” (like a computer) your nervous system to make your muscles bigger, leaner and more functional. (Most body builders cannot do even a single pull-up. But I’m confident you’ll be able to do as many as 20 or more within just a few weeks — even if you can only do 3 or 4 pull-ups now!)
- Forces your body to dump a ton of “Growth Hormone” into your system (which not only stacks new layers of muscle onto your body… but also keeps you looking younger and your sex drive running on all cylinders well into your 40′s, 50′s and 60′s).
- Grants you what seems like “super human” functional strength — doing as many as 20, 30 even 50 (or more) pull-ups in a single set (impressing the hell out of every man and woman in the room).
- And a whole lot more!
Bottom line?
If you want to get a giant back and “steel-rod” arms by doing NOTHING but pull-ups a few minutes per day, then this book will get the job done.
It’s short (you can read it in less than 15 minutes).
It’s powerful.
And it’s free when you buy “Effortless Exercise For Men” today:
Click Below for Secure Order Form (Be sure to press the Return to Merchant button in PayPal to get back to this website and download your purchase.) Just $19.97 |
“Brute Force Push-Ups:
How to do 100 Push-Ups Every Day
and Build a Powerful Chest in 1 Month”
Want a 15-minute “crash course” on how to get a huge, “barrel” chest without lifting weights?
Then this free bonus will show you how.
This short, easy-to-read book is JUST about push-ups.
Believe it or not, ALL the old time body builders used this simple exercise. And today the world’s top athletes (like football great & 50-year-old mixed martial artist Herschel Walker) do this exercise to get huge, powerful chests without doing a single bench press.
You can, too.
Even if you have “thin bone” genetics.
And even if you have a puny “sizzle chest” that’s flat as a pancake now.
Here are some of the benefits you’ll get from this book:
- Do over 100 push-ups per day with ease. (And in as little as 10 minutes.)
- Build a powerful “button popping” chest in just 30 days. (You may even have to buy new shirts — as you literally could pop the buttons right off any tighter shirts you own now!)
- Develop a better looking chest than weight lifters who can bench 400+ pounds.
- Never have to spend money on a gym or equipment.
- Have the kind of “tank-like” chest women can’t help but notice and want to touch and hug. (Women go crazy over men with big chests since it makes them feel safe.)
- Prevent weight lifting injuries. (If you are already a weight lifter, doing push-ups will strengthen your core and the tendons you use for the bench — making you almost impervious to injury.)
- Neurologically “program” your entire body to get stronger without ANY struggle or strain whatsoever.
- Build rock solid abs over time. (Push-ups naturally work your abs — so by doing 100+ a day your abs will get a great work out, too.)
- And much, much more…
Believe it or not, there’s an art and science to doing push-ups like this.
Everything from hand placement… to exactly how many reps (and sets) to do… to how much rest to take (and on what exact days to do it)… to how to do them in a way where you use your neurology to increase your strength.
You won’t learn this from anyone in a weight room.
But these secret push-up techniques CAN get you ripped.
They CAN get your body lean and powerful.
And they CAN make you stand out in a crowd with a big, developed chest other people can’t help but be in awe of.
Download this book (free) with “Effortless Exercise For Men” here:
Click Below for Secure Order Form (Be sure to press the Return to Merchant button in PayPal to get back to this website and download your purchase.) Just $19.97 |
“How to Get a Six Pack Fast:
Get Ripped Abs Without Dieting
in as Little as 10 Minutes a Day at Home”
This free bonus book is for guys who QUICKLY want a six pack.
Without enduring years of doing tedious sit-ups.
And with no super discipline required.
The information inside is based on research now used by some of the world’s top athletes (yet is still virtually unknown to the general body-building and weight lifting population). It contains a simple formula for having the kind of rock hard, “wash board” abs women love to run their fingers over — and that leave other guys wondering how the hell you managed to get such a perfectly toned stomach without any jiggle or flab.
Here are some of the benefits you’ll get reading this free bonus book:
- Develop a ripped stomach within weeks that women can’t take their eyes (and hands) off of when you go to the beach or walk around without a shirt.
- A faster metabolism that burns up fat quickly, and leaves you feeling full of energy all day long.
- More strength and endurance throughout your entire body (due to strengthening your “core”).
- Quick-acting weight loss where you see results extremely fast. (Even when you sometimes eat “bad” foods!)
- Ooze so much raw confidence from having that perfect six pack your friends start demanding you tell them what your “secret” is. (Even most “fitness experts” are lucky to have a 4 pack stomach — and can never really get rid of that ridiculous looking fat “pouch” around their waists — but you will!)
- Possibly help lessen your chances of getting diabetes and other abdominal fat related diseases. (After all, many health problems are directly related to having a flabby stomach.)
- Naturally look and feel younger than everyone else you know.
- Chiseled abs that are rock hard and “punch proof.” (Go ahead and let your friends punch you in the gut — it’ll probably hurt them more than you!)
- Eliminate bloating and that ugly, “woman repellant” spare tire in just a matter of weeks.
- And a whole lot more…
Including stronger posture… reduced back and body pain… better coordination and an overall “vibe” that tells other men to step back when you walk by.
And remember:
This book is also yours free today with “Effortless Exercise For Men”:
Click Below for Secure Order Form (Be sure to press the Return to Merchant button in PayPal to get back to this website and download your purchase.) Just $19.97 |
“Brute Force Bicep Workouts:
How to Get Bigger Arms (1+ Inches)
in 1 Month and Only 4 Workouts”
If you follow the simple formula in this book, I believe you can realistically put at LEAST 1+ inches of solid muscle onto your arms in the next 4 weeks… even if you have skinny, “wet noodle” arms now.
The results can literally be that quick.
In fact, it was created just for guys who want fast results.
Some of the benefits of using the information inside this book include:
- Grow your arms by at LEAST 1 inch in 4 weeks. (Some guys have gained over 2 inches — it is different for everyone, but 1 inch is almost guaranteed.)
- Look like a badass when wearing tank tops or tight t-shirts that tell people (at a glance) you’re NOT someone to mess with.
- Lift and carry heavy items that other guys can’t. (And showing off while doing it!)
- Be able to better save your own life in a fight or crisis situation where having strong arms can pull you out of danger.
- Have women begging for your attention (women love to wrap their arms around a big pair of biceps — big arms make women feel good just being with you, and they love to touch and feel all over them).
- Quickly fill out your t-shirts and naturally be more athletic due to increased arm size.
- Intimidate bullies and other “predators” who would attack you or your family. (One look at your arms and they won’t even bother — they’ll go after weaker men who look like “easy pickings”, instead.)
- Look (and feel!) younger and more attractive all the time.
- Have more “persuasive power” over other people (men with big arms are more persuasive and confident than men with small arms).
- And the list goes on!
The best part is, “Brute Force Biceps” is VERY simple.
It’s not necessarily “easy.”
But it is simple and based on proven science.
Plus, it works extremely fast without spending a lot of time doing multiple arm exercises or anything complicated. In fact, it works so quickly…
It Is Possible To Gain
As Much As 1/2 Inch On Your Arms
After The Very FIRST Workout.
Maybe that sounds crazy, but it’s 100% possible.
And you can prove it to yourself — today.
All you have to do is measure your biceps, then read this short book (you can read it easily in one sitting). Do the first workout, wait a day or two, then measure again.
The results will speak for themselves.
Try it today while it’s still free with “Effortless Exercise For Men”:
Click Below for Secure Order Form (Be sure to press the Return to Merchant button in PayPal to get back to this website and download your purchase.) Just $19.97 |
Brute Force Prison Workout Secrets Revealed”
Most people don’t realize this, but…
Prisoners don’t get ripped and huge with steroids or lifting weights.
They can’t.
Many prisons removed weights decades ago because they didn’t want to breed bigger and stronger criminals when they got out. So in order to survive, inmates have to use “alternative” ways to gain a ripped body in order to hold off predators who like to turn “new fish” inmates into their own personal bitches!)
Here are the benefits you’ll get from following the info inside:
- Watch extra body fat melt away quickly and naturally — without changing your diet.
- Pack tough and lean muscle onto your arms, legs, chest and back. (Making even your hardcore weight lifter friends secretly wonder if you’re taking steroids!)
- Become more flexible, limber and functionally strong. (“Functional” strength means survival — it’s what animals in the jungle have, and you will too.)
- Build up more endurance in your entire body — letting you perform feats of strength for extended periods of time without tiring.
- Watch your shoulder, back, and joint pain fade away in as little as a few weeks as you toughen your limbs, knees, and elbows.
- Experience better digestion, sleep and a sense of well being.
- Feel waves of self confidence swell up inside you — as you start walking around like you’re 10 feet tall and bullet proof. (Automatically making people back down and submit in your presence when merely looking at you.)
- Enjoy a resurgence in your sex drive you haven’t had since you were a teenager! (It’s a natural by-product of healthy blood flow from doing these exercises.)
- Do your training anywhere and at any time — in your bedroom, living room, hotel room and even a bathroom… everywhere you go becomes your own private gym.
- Save hours of time each week (these exercises work fast to build muscle — and can be done in just minutes per day).
- And much, much more!
Look, in prison there’s no time to mess around. You either get strong FAST… or you’re meat!
This book will show you exactly how prison inmates get ripped.
And, it’s FREE with “Effortless Exercise For Men”:
Click Below for Secure Order Form (Be sure to press the Return to Merchant button in PayPal to get back to this website and download your purchase.) Just $19.97 |
As you can see, those are a LOT of bonuses.
And they are all yours (my gift to you) just for trying my “Effortless Exercise For Men” book without any risk.
My book MUST get you ripped or you don’t pay for it.
Plus, you keep everything (including the bonuses) no matter what.
To download “Effortless Exercise For Men” click this button today:
Click Below for Secure Order Form (Be sure to press the Return to Merchant button in PayPal to get back to this website and download your purchase.) Just $19.97 |
Rich Bryda
Bestselling Strength & Fitness Author
P.S. I’m not sure how long I want to give away all these bonus books free. So if you’re at ALL interested in trying everything without risk, I would recommend grabbing my book and the bonuses today — while you still can.
Click the button below to get started:
Click Below for Secure Order Form (Be sure to press the Return to Merchant button in PayPal to get back to this website and download your purchase.) Just $19.97 |
For Questions about this product, contact me here.
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