If you are working harder and enjoying your
family less...
...could be you are spending extra time in
your kitchen that could be better spent enjoying your life.
You've had a busy day, running errands,
carpooling the kids, or maybe you've been at work all day. It is 5:00 and
you're finally home. As you rush through the door, the kids are cranky and everyone is asking what's for dinner.
You open the freezer and realize you forgot to take meat out to defrost
that morning. You are now stuck with the stress of throwing together a
meal at the last minute. Or you decide, for the 3rd time that week to
order out.
If that sounds familiar, know it doesn't
have to be that way...
Meal time is simple because you have a freezer full of meals
Picture the same busy day again, but now
when you open the freezer it is stacked with meals that are already prepared.
You simply select a meal, put it in the oven, and
dinner is taken care of. Gone is the extra time it takes to figure out
what to cook, choosing a recipe that matches ingredients you have on hand, and
gone is the stress of taking even more time out of your already busy day.
How can you get a freezer full a meals?
By doing once a month cooking. Once a month cooking is where you take one
day a month to prepare all of the meals your family will eat for a month, and
freeze them.
You will have more free time every day
Let's face it - we're busy.
With all the stuff we have going on every day like kids, work,
taking care of the house, cooking meals, and caring for our
families, there never seems to be enough time to do the things we
want to do. The great news is once a month cooking gives you the
freedom to take time for yourself. The time you normally spend
cooking dinner is your own. You can sit down on the couch with
a cup of tea and begin the novel you have been wanting to read, but
could never find the time. That can be your reality.
Save money with once a month
cooking and frugal recipes
Have you ever spent money on fast food
because it was quick and easy? Do you have your
local pizza delivery place on speed dial? If so,
then you will be thrilled by how much money you save
when you start cooking once a month. Your freezer
full of meals saves you money by eliminating the need
for fast and easy solutions. You won't be tempted
to buy the expensive pre-packaged food at the grocery
store. Instead, you'll be preparing nutritious
meals at a fraction of the cost.
Perhaps you've heard of once a
month cooking and would like to try it, but you don't know how to
begin. No worries. Frugal Mom's
Guide to Once a Month Cooking will teach you how.
Enjoy cooking with easy step-by-step instructions
If once a month cooking sounds too hard to
do, I am here to tell you it is not. Trust me when I say that if I can do
it, anyone can do it. I am a work at home mom with 5 kids (all boys!), I
homeschool, and I have fibromyalgia. Once a month cooking has been a life
saver for me, and I want it to be for you as well. That is why I have put
together an easy 5-step plan to once a month cooking that will set you off on
the right foot, and hold your hand through the entire process. The 5-step
plan uses forms I created to help you plan, and keep you on track.
You'll be organized with our once a month cooking forms
I am a list maker. Lists help me
organize my thoughts, and tackle a project with a plan. I wouldn't dream
of tackling once a month cooking without a well thought out plan. The
forms that I've included in this cookbook will be your road map for your cooking
session. It will organize your cooking day, your grocery shopping, and
give you a plan for cooking. I am all about easy, and these forms will
make sure your cooking day is met with smooth sailing. I've even included
a sample cooking session so you can see how truly easy it is!
You will be spoiled with the simple family-friendly recipes
This cookbook isn't for the gourmet chef who
enjoys cooking with expensive and unique ingredients - it's for the rest of
us. It's for the average cook who wants to prepare meals the whole family
will enjoy. It's for those of use who like to cook with simple ingredients
we can buy at our local grocery store, or already have on hand in our pantry.
It is for those of us who like trouble-free meals that are easy to make and
taste delicious.
So join me in the wonderful world of once a month cooking.
Fill your freezer with delicious dinners that will simplify your life.
You work hard, and deserve to have some free time to enjoy yourself.
And you won't be alone!
Once a month cooking support
Not only will you have a large variety of delicious meals to
prepare for your family, you'll also have an online community where you can
turn to for help. That's right! I'll be there (along with others
just like you), walking right beside you, every step of the way.
You're never alone.
Bonus Ebook
With your purchase of Frugal Mom's Guide to Once a Month
Cooking, you'll also receive a 2nd ebook, Bulk Cooking for the
Freezer: Ground Beef.
The sooner you start, the better you'll feel. So order
Here's what you get
Author of Frugal
Mom's Guide to Once a Month Cooking
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