Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

The Yacht Service Bible: The Service Manual For Every Yacht - Bonus


And Were Intensely Respected By Your:
Fellow Crew Members, Captain, Owner & Guests.


If you are a…

Yacht Steward/Stewardess

Desiring to elevate yourself to the top of your field..

Or if you are a …

  • Yacht Captain

  • Yacht Owner

  • Crew Agent

  • Private or Charter Yacht Broker

  • Yacht Management Company

That wants to understand everything that stews are expected to know… This book will totally fill you in on just how incredible stews are… how sophisticated their jobs are… how to communicate with them. And it will help you in their hiring process.


For Stews

This book will totally train you “from A to Z”… so that you will be well respected, looked up to, appreciated, admired as the best stew ever. You will know that you have made everyone happy because you anticipated just what they wanted next, before they ever even thought about it.

You will know that the crew respects you because you look after them. You will be confident that the captain knows you, respects you and wants to have you on his or her team.

You will have the satisfaction of realizing that the owner and guests know you, respect you, and trust in your regard for their privacy and confidentiality.

You will know the sense of gratitude and pride you feel as the guests say their tearful good-byes at the end of the trip, and are sorry to leave you because they had such a wonderful time on board. You will know the feeling of appreciation for a job well done.

You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you add value to the lives of others and they love you for it.

You will realize what it is like to enjoy the challenges and be relied upon to get things done because you have the tools, the training, and the knowledge to execute the vision of your yacht and contribute to the bottom line. You will know how it feels to be a capable leader who manages responsibilities while looking for ways to increase your value and your contributions; to receive the right salary and benefits and have peace of mind and the confidence to grow into what you want to be, both in your inner life and your outer life.

Stews need to know the insider service secrets
that will get you the position, the raises, the promotions,and the credibility you need to get and keep your job.

Being a great Superyacht steward or stewardess requires so much more than just having your STCW certification. You have to know how you fit into the chain of command, and what the other yacht departments do. You need to know all about different foods and styles of food service so you can properly communicate with the chef and the guests, because a large part of every yacht trip revolves around food, mealtimes, snacks, and ordering and spacing the rest of the daily tasks around this. You have to know how to take care of the expensive interior furnishings and the personal belongings of the owners and guests.

Captains, you need to be assured that you and your stews understand every aspect of the duties they are expected to perform. Stews play a crucial role in creating satisfaction for owners and guests. The owners and guests have high standards for performance of service, and they look to you, the Captain, to make sure those standards are met.

Crew Agents, you need to be able find and recruit the best candidates for the position: stews who fully comprehend the scope of the job, and who understand the best way to do the work. The industry needs stews who will accurately state their abilities, and who have enough sea time and experience to handle the positions they are applying for. Stews must be an excellent fit with the captain and owner, and it takes a great relationship with agents to find the right position for each candidate. The right combination produces stews who will have longevity in a mutually satisfying career situation.

Charter and Private Yacht Managers, you need to know that the stews employed on your yachts know how to deliver service correctly, behave as professionals, and know how to care for and maintain the interior of the yacht… as well as its precious passengers. You need to know that every stew who works on the yachts in your fleet delivers service at the same high standard and truly understands what superb service on board a Super Yacht is all about. Stews are the heart and soul of any yachting operation.

Yacht Owners, you can benefit greatly from this book, so you can have a much better idea of what goes into providing the service you have come to expect and deserve. Find out what it really takes to protect your investment. Crew turnover is one of the biggest problems in yachting, and having an in-depth understanding of what the job entails will help reduce some of the hidden costs of crewing your yacht. This book will give you the insight you need to communicate effectively with your Captain and crew to address any service delivery issues you might have, that will directly affect the bottom line of your yacht operation program.

This book is GUARANTEED to do all of that for you
or it won’t cost you one penny.

Yacht Stew Solutions

Yacht Steward/Stewardess
Training Manual

“The Yacht Service Bible”

The Service Manual For Every Yacht


It will teach you to recognize what it takes to become one of the most knowledgeable and skilled professional service persons in the industry

There are a few books out today about how to get a job in yachting…

But none of them concentrates on the actual details of what you need to know to meet the service standards and expectations on a yacht once you get the job.

This book teaches you how to get the job but then the “meat” of the book gives you all of…

The complete step by step training and full details about…

Everything you need to know

To Be Highly Successful In Your Career As
A Yacht Steward Or Stewardess.

This is the most complete training manual for yacht Stewards and Stewardesses that I am aware of.
This is the book that I wish had been available when I became a yacht stew.

There is nothing quite like this book available on the market.

It is for stews that are interested in learning more and in being among the most knowledgeable and skilled professional yacht stews in the world. It clears up the unnecessary confusion that is out there about different definitions and descriptions of service standards, skills, and expectations. It is highly informative and entertaining.

It gives interesting and entertaining anecdotes and stories about the history of service and of the tools and techniques that stews use every day in their work. For stews, The Yacht Service Bible makes your work more interesting and enjoyable. It updates you on just what the standards are for the level of knowledge and skill a steward/ess should have at every stage of your career.

For the beginning stew, it gives you access to the vast body of knowledge of everything you will be expected to know. One of the first things new stews have to learn about is how to interact appropriately with guests and with each other. Professional etiquette and protocol are important. Creating and keeping appropriate boundaries, learning to be discrete, and maintaining confidentiality are essential within this unique private service environment, and this book tells you all about it.

For the experienced stew, this book helps you dig much deeper and learn so much more detail about the service, administration, and housekeeping skills you are already using. The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to enhance your guests’ experience aboard any yacht.

Becoming the best stew that you can possibly be adds value to your life, because it helps you to enjoy serving others more, and make more money.

What does this manual contain for you?

The PYA (Professional Yachting Association) has defined international standards for service, and this book will teach you what you need to know to meet these standards.

This book will teach you to identify and quantify a service delivery system. This feature provides the benefit of teaching stews (and captains) how to classify the vast amount of service information that stews are expected to know. Stews are responsible for a huge amount of material, now what are they supposed to do with it?

This book goes into detail to help you learn to organize the necessary information according to categories, such as: food and guest services; housekeeping; administration; clothing and laundry. Just as importantly, it will educate you on the soft skills that are so vital for career success in this industry: Poise, attitude, and boundaries; confidentiality and gossip control; developing and maintaining enthusiasm so your crew can bond together as an elite, effective team.

It will lead stews through the process of taking what they’ve learned and then categorizing and implementing it based on the standards and requirements for their yacht. The final piece of the puzzle is always, what does this specific yacht want? How do they want it done? What level and style of service do they want? Every yacht has its own “personality” and social structure, depending on the owners’ preferred style of service, the work policies of the vessel, and the management style of the captain. This book helps you factor all of this information in so you can customize service that fits your yacht perfectly.


Alene Keenan

Alene Keenan

In her own words…

I was in my early thirties when I started yachting, and I already had a lot of experience in hotels, bartending and waiting tables in very fine restaurants. At a certain point in my early stewardess career, I felt stifled and was yearning for more training. I had the luxury of finding a week-long yacht butler service training class during my second year on boats. It just whetted my appetite for more.

I have been a stewardess on yachts for over two decades… since 1991. I have been writing a newspaper column for The Triton, a yachting newspaper since 2007. I write a column called Stew Cues, with tips and information that helps stews do their job better, be happier, and make more money by being better-informed.

I have been interviewed by… and had multi page feature articles written about me in “Megayacht News”, and in “The Triton”, and in “Dockwalk”. My articles have been picked up and reposted by online journals such as “”.

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to hire and train quite a few junior stewardesses and help them get started in the industry.

Then I was approached by the Maritime Professional Training academy in Fort Lauderdale to write and teach 5-day and 10-day yacht interior service classes that I taught on their premises. Maritime Professional Training is one of the most widely recognized schools in the world. They train commercial sailors, merchant marines, US Coast Guard, as well as yachting crew. I researched and wrote a manual of about 100 pages of lecture notes. The class that I taught there covered 52 training modules over a 10-day period. I am so grateful for the time I spent at MPT, because during that time I saw the real need for specialized information for superyacht stews, and I became very passionate about researching and developing this information. Now here it is, all together in one place at last!

Today, the internationally recognized PYA (Professional Yachting Association) has defined universal standards for service, and this book will teach you what you need to know to meet these standards. I have been honored to be included in the international work-group creating these standards. I am happy to say that I have been teaching and writing about everything that you need to know since the very beginning of my teaching and writing career, so you can rest assured that I know my material.

Training on location on yachts is my specialty. It is a great tool for owners and captains to use for motivating crew to excel. I see it as a way to reward crew. It gives them a sense of validation. It allows them to train together as a team. It is cost effective, versus each stew taking time off to go to a classroom setting, one at a time, and at great cost to them. I have traveled directly to yachts and trained stews right on board private and charter yachts. I have done this on yachts based in Florida; the Bahamas; Newport, Rhode Island; St. Thomas, U.S Virgin Islands; St. Marten, Dutch West Indies; Istanbul, Turkey; and Bergen, Norway. I used an earlier outline of “The Yacht Service Bible” as the basis of my education aboard those yachts. I have greatly expanded that information to create this book.

In an ongoing effort to provide the greatest value to my clients at every level of service, I have also been consulting with yacht building companies to create interior service training materials for yacht owners and their captains. I believe that the best way of addressing one of the biggest crew problems and the source of the greatest hidden costs is by addressing crew turnover. The crew are the frontline point of contact and have the greatest influence on the overall guest experience of yachting. If the crew feel that their best interests are being looked after, they will be more engaged and try harder to do their best to make the owner’s and guests’ dreams come true on board the yacht. Captains and owners have a great amount of input here, where owners and crew meet on a level playing field.


The cost of my training in a classroom setting in Fort Lauderdale
to get this information can be as high as $2,500 PER PERSON!









Yes, you read that right. It’s not a typo.


Can you imagine that for less than the money you waste every week on going out with friends or buying things that don’t matter… you can actually change your life? Using this guide can change your life into a life that dreams are made of.

If you still feel hesitant for any reason
I guess you just need to ask yourself which one you’d rather have…
An extra $47 in your account… Or a wonderful life as a yacht stewardess/steward?


My Official Promise To You

That I am going to remove every bit of risk for you…

You can try it totally risk free for the next 60 days…

Here Is My Iron Clad
“Love It Or Leave It”

60 Day Total Satisfaction
Money Back Guarantee


If, at any time within the first 60 days you do not feel that this is everything that I say it is…
if you are not happy with it for any reason whatsoever, or absolutely no reason at all…
simply email me for a full instant refund of your full purchase price…

No Gimmicks, No “Fine Print”, No Hassles, No Excuses,
No Quibbles, No Questions Asked… No matter what!

Two of the world’s most heartbreaking words are “If Only”
Don’t make the mistake of putting this offer to one side.
To be acted upon tomorrow.

Tomorrow never comes.

Summer season is just getting ready to kick off.
Now would be the perfect time to polish your skills.
After each season with guests on, you have time to reflect
and regroup and try to do a better job.
This book will help you with that.


Remember, all the risk is on me.
Your satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed

Here’s What To Do Next:
The Risk Free Priority Acceptance Form


The Yacht Stewardess/Steward
Training Manual

I understand that by acting right now
I’m going to receive:

“The Yacht Service Bible”

I understand that my purchase is totally risk free…
And that my satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed.

And that I have a full 60 days to decide whether I want to keep The “The Yacht Service Bible”
or receive a full immediate refund.

If for Any reason whatsoever I feel the “The Yacht Service Bible” wasn’t worth $47, I can request a full refund and I will receive the full $47 back

I don’t want to put it off until later. I know that I will only get busy with something else and forget.


On that basis I am taking action RIGHT NOW
by clicking the order button below and ordering.



NOTE: This is a downloadable electronic e-book. No physical products have to be shipped. Immediately after you payment, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC and can even be printed out on your computer printer.

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