From: James Jones
Tuesday, 11:27 a.m.
Dear Friend,
f you have a few minutes to spare I want to show you some secret tricks and techniques I use to bring in extra money anytime I need it.
I think I know what you're probably thinking...
I have seen a million times before."
Give me just seven minutes of your time and I think you'll see these techniques really are different!
For example...
Have you ever heard of this technique? It's called the eBay Arbitrage...
It's a simple technique that allows anyone with a computer and internet connection to earn extra money {at home} using a free eBay account.
The special twist I discovered is a secret way that allows anyone to make money on eBay without finding suppliers or stocking inventory.
More about the eBay Arbitrage technique in a minute...
It's just one of the techniques you'll find in my Insiders How-To Package:
Here's another Money Making Idea You'll Learn About...
My buddy, Mike, loves to travel. While vacationing in Florida one summer Mike stumbled onto a great little money making idea that netted him $50,000 his first year -- while he was traveling around goofing off and having fun.
Now Mike travels all over the country -- from Key West, Florida to Salem, Oregon -- doing this business and makes all the money he needs.
You don't have to travel to do this. You can do it right in your own hometown if you want. And the market is wide open because hardly anyone else is doing it. (see Emergency Cash Generator #2 for complete details)
Here is another one:
I'll show you how to collect $20.00 bills from local businesses in your area for a very simple "no-brainer" service you perform for them.
You see, if they did the service themselves it would cost them much, much more than $20.00. But, you can do this service for all of them at once and save them a bundle. While at the same time raking in $400.00 - $500.00 for yourself. (see Emergency Cash Generator #3)
Here are a few more examples of what you will find in "Emergency Cash Generators:"
- A product that you can buy locally – at a certain retail shop I will tell you about -- that you can turn around and sell for double, triple or even more. (See Emergency Cash Generator #12)
- How a camera, a few trash bags and a letter written to a certain group of people can put wads of cash in your mail box. (See ECG #11)
- Crafty way 3 men make up to $4000.00 a week visiting yard sales. (See ECG #13)
- Go into a busy bar and come out a couple of hours later with a pocket full of cash. (See ECG #44)
- How to make money with the free to post bulletin boards you see in grocery stores, deli's and other businesses. (See ECG #17)
- A neat way to make money every time it rains. (See ECG #21)
- How to make money giving away a special 12 page booklet. (See ECG #22)
- Simple service business that satisfies a huge demand fueled by the local and national news media. Make $50.00 an hour
performing this much needed service. (See ECG #19) - A simple 2 minute service that you provide to convertible car owners that can put some easy cash in your pocket. (See ECG
- Get paid $25.00 -- $35.00 to watch TV? The catch is you can only do this once or twice a week but still – it's like free money! (See ECG #45)
- Like going to yard sales? Here is one item that is almost always way undervalued that you can get for practically nothing and
resell for a fast profit. (See ECG #14)
- I make extra money as an amateur sleuth. How? See ECG #46 for details.
- How to get products for free that you turn around and sell for a quick profit. (See ECG #90)
- This only works Thursday - Sunday: A simple, specialized service you provide to area bars that can net you up to $300.00 per night. (See ECG #7)
- An uncanny technique based on a little-known psychology book that can put $100 -- $200 cash in your hands today. (See ECG #10)
- Have a digital camera? Make money leisurely taking pictures in the park, on the beach or anywhere people gather. No selling involved. (See ECG #84)
- Create a special business card on your home computer. Then, give these cards away -- for FREE -- to a certain group of people -- people who will love to receive them. And you make $600.00 to $2000.00. How? (See ECG #6)
(This Next One Is a Bit Sneaky But Perfectly Legal)
These are methods that I have come up with myself or personally known people who use them. You are not going to find the same old worn out ideas that you can get for free on the internet.
You will also find that these techniques require little or no start up cash. Some may necessitate you having a computer but I can safely assume you already meet that requirement. Likewise with a telephone. Less than $50 is probably all you will need to start these little ventures -- if that much.
Here are some more of the quick money making ideas you'll learn about:
- Have you got any of these laying around? I'll show you two ingenious ways to make money with old discarded magazines -- No, I'm not talking about recycling. (see ECG #51 for details)
- Women -- how to make money from clueless guys -- and they'll thank you for it! (read ECG #52 for details)
- Simple technique to Instantly increase your take-home pay -- I am shocked that more people don't know about this. (ECG #53 spills the beans on this idea)
- How to make money brokering a certain commodity you can find on the internet. (ECG # 66 will show you how)
- Curious formula shows you how to Double your Disposible Income. (for the exact formula see ECG #78)
- An unusual -- but much needed service you can provide to people having parties. (ECG #54 has all the details)
- High tech multimedia service you can provide to webmasters. Simple free tools you download from the internet do all the work. (See ECG #73)
- Fun project allows you to make money bringing single people together in a unique way -- No, not a matchmaking service. (Read ECG #60 to see this brilliant concept)
- You can make $100.00 in a couple of hours with this -- a unique service you provide that will increase business in local bars and coffee houses. (see ECG #62)
- Make money with a little Guidebook you give away to car owners. (See ECG #67)
- New technology allows you to make money on the internet without a product, without a website and without any experience. (See ECG #91 and be sure to watch the downloadable video where I show you exactly how to do this)
- Discarded Office Supply Receipts -- why a certain group of people will pay you for them. (amazing what some people will do for money.
- How to make money with a very specialized – but much needed -- service you provide to people having yard sales. (See ECG #43)
- Odd way one man made $3267.00 rummaging through old newspapers. (See ECG #74 -- You can do this too but works best in a small town)
- Weird story of how one man made $1000.00 selling his electronic bookmarks. (No reason why you couldn't do this -- See ECG #85)
Remember the eBay Arbitrage technique I told you about earlier? You're going to love this...
I Created a Downloadable Video So You Can See This Technique In Action!
This 11 minute video that shows you exactly how to do this. In fact, I do a live eBay Arbitrage right before your eyes. Don't miss this!
What would you expect to pay for just one of these amazing money making techniques elsewhere? $99.00? $129.00? $199.00? More?
What is this manual worth to you IF just ONE of these techniques brings you cash anytime you need it?
Don't answer that! It's like asking:
This Insider's How To Package with all 93 101
techniques plus 40 minutes of "this is how you do it" downloadable videos is a steal at $97.00. But, if you order today -- right now -- you can get this valuable information for only $39.99. That's more than a 50% discount off the regular price!
You'll receive these 3 Sensational Bonuses!
BONUS # 1 - Special Report:
"How To Find Lost And Hidden Treasures in Your Neighborhood"
When you order "Emergency Cash Generators Version 3.0" I'll give you a copy of "How To Find Lost And Hidden Treasures in Your Neighborhood" for free. You'll learn stuff like:
- Techniques to find unlimited lost valuables!
- How to find DIAMONDS and other gemstones under your feet!
- Where to find hidden valuables at Thrift Shops and Estate Sales!
- Where and How to look for hidden treasures.
- Over $4 BILLION DOLLARS in hard U.S. Currency and Coinage disappears into secret hiding places or is lost each and every year according to the Federal Reserve Board. Find out how to recover your share of this immense treasure!
- A METAL DETECTOR IS NOT REQUIRED for any of the secret methods disclosed in the book.
BONUS # 2 - Special Report:
"Fast eBay Cash"
This is an almost unknown report written by my good friend Andy Brocklehurst that reveals the secret world of drop shipping. It goes way above and beyond what other guides reveal, walking you step by step through the process of selling goods on eBay and purchasing them only AFTER you've collected your payment, and then having the supplier send them direct to the customer. This report sells for $19.95 on it's own (you can read all about it at
BONUS # 3 - Shocking eBook:
"The Greatest Money Making Secret of All Time."
If you want money, you only have to do one thing. It's the one thing some of the wealthiest people on the planet have done and are doing.
It's the one thing written about in various ancient cultures and still promoted today. It's the one thing that will bring money to anyone who does it but at the same time most people will fear doing it.
What is that one thing?
You'll find out when you read -- "The Greatest Money Making Secret of All Time." Yours for free. When you order
Emergency Cash Generators Version 3.0 today!
You will be able to download the electronic version of Emergency Cash Generators Version 3.0 and all the bonus items instantly so you can get started right now. You'll also get a link to access a special Resource Section so you can view the videos (plus there are a few surprises there as well :-) Just click the link below to get access now:
"For the first time ever i'm in control of my life..."
You are covered by my 8 week 100% no hassle guarantee: If you are not satisfied with "Emergency Cash Generators Version 3.0" for any reason, just email me at within 8 Weeks of receipt and I will refund your money. No questions asked.
Sincerely yours,
James Jones
P.S. Do you have an old cell phone you no longer use -- or do you have friends that do? See Emergency Cash Generator #55 for a neat way to make money from old discarded cell phones.
P.P.S. I promised you more information about the eBay Arbitrage Technique. Click here for an example of how I used this this very technique to make a whopping 484% profit…
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