Former house centipede victim reveals a simple 5-step system to Get Rid of House Centipedes *permanently*
Stop suffering from the embarrassment and terror of having these freaky insects in your home!
This website contains a simple and effective, chemical-free solution to get rid of house centipedes *permanently* with less than 2 - 3 hours of effort!
Forget about using pesticides or chemicals of any kind.
Forget about using Boric Acid. You don't need it!
Forget about spending $100's on an expensive exterminator.
Completely safe for children & pets
This safe and natural solution for house centipedes control will save you time, save you money, and best of all... It Works!
From: Jill Haskins
Date: January 27th, 2014
Dear House Centipede Sufferer,
Are you sick and tired of seeing those freaky, disgusting, long-legged little monsters scurrying up the walls in your bathroom, your kitchen, or .. even worse.. your bedroom?
Have you ever tried to get rid of them? Not that easy, is it!
Squishing them might make you feel like you're making a difference, but it just doesn't solve the problem. They'll keep coming back again and again and again, especially after periods of damp weather.
Take the next 5 minutes to read over this page and let me show you exact same method I used to get rid of house centipedes once and for all... (and finally get a good night's sleep!)
How I Discovered House Centipedes...
House centipedes are probably the most disgusting, terrifying pests you can find in your home. The look like they stepped right out of hell and into your living room.
Personally I think they're much scarier than spiders because of their revolting "hairy" appearance and the break-neck speeds at which they run across the room. In my house we called them "hairy scarys".
It seems they only purpose they serve on this planet is to make your jump, scream, and lose sleep.
My first encounter occurred in the spring of 2008. My husband and I moved from Vancouver, BC to Toronto, Ontario (in Canada.) We moved into an apartment and for the first time in my life I discovered the existence of these god-awful little monsters.
I couldn't sleep. I wasn't comforted with the knowledge that these things are actually fairly common on the east coast (nobody has them on the west coast.)
Nor was I happy to read that people find them in their bedding sometimes.
My tolerance for these stupid bugs was short-lived -- I was not ok with having centipedes in the house.
My first house centipede control "method" was getting my husband to squish them! ... BUT, they kept coming back again and again, never really getting the message. No matter how many he squished, I'd keep seeing them every few days.
So I searched online for a solution but there isn't really any helpful information out there. Most of it is pretty vague.
Also, the idea of spreading potentially harmful "extermination chemicals" around my sinks, cupboards, shelves and bathroom just didn't sound too appealing either.
But after researching as much as I could and trying things out for myself, I figured out exactly what had to be done!
Discover the Exact Step-by-Step Solution I
Used to Get Rid of House Centipedes Once and For All!
After a bunch of frustrating attempts to apply the shabby extermination advice that was available online, I finally figured out a system for how to get rid of house centipedes once and for all. And it's not terribly complicated (but nothing really seems that complicated once you figure it out, right?)
Since figuring it out my old, water damaged apartment has been centipede-free for almost two years!
The solutions I came up with to get rid of house centipedes is efficient, cheap, SAFE for your home, and best of all it can be done in less than a 2-3 hours!
If you want to get rid of house centipedes and keep them out of your home *permanently*, here's what you need to know...
Understand why you have centipedes in the house in the first place! This is key to understanding how to get rid of them!
Get some basic knowledge of house centipede habits so that you understand how they live and why they can be so hard to get rid of.
Learn what kinds of conditions house centipedes need to survive and how to make very simple changes to your home so that house centipedes can no longer find it suitable.
Get the horrifying truth about why house centipedes keep coming back again and again -- YES, they are laying eggs in places you'd probably be happier not knowing about.
Understand the steps you must take to get rid of house centipedes
Discover the ultimate secrets to keeping house centipedes gone for good!
Understanding why you have house centipedes is the key to understanding how to get rid of them. If you have house centipedes in your home, there are some conditions that almost certainly exist. You don't need to *change* these conditions by doing expensive things like renovating, you just need to take certain steps to make the environment in your home unsuitable for them.
The Reason You Have House Centipedes
Believe it or not you have house centipedes for a reason. No, it's not just a cruel joke from Mother Nature to freak you out and make you scream for your husband!
Usually the reason for repeated house centipede encounters is, unfortunately, that you have other pests in your home.
House centipedes are insectivores - meaning they eat other insects. They are known to eat cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, ants, and termites.
Some people say that because they eat other disgusting bugs in your home that this makes them your "friend"...
I disagree. I think they are horrible monstrosities and they have no business living in the same place as me or my family.
If you've ever tried searching for a solution online, the most common thing you'll hear is that you'll need to fix the water damage in your home in order to get rid of house centipedes and to keep them gone forever.
Well THAT sounds expensive! Some of us don't have the time or money for that kind of solution. (And if you've got landlords, good luck trying to convince them to help you there.)
But the fact is...
There is a simple and easy solution to get rid of house centipedes forever. And, NO! You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars fixing the damp conditions in your home!
Seriously look how disgusting this thing is.
So How Do You Get Rid of House Centipedes?
Let's face simple facts: if you want your house centipede problem to go away, you have to take action.
They won't magically disappear one day unless you do something about it.
Here are the options you have for a solution to your house centipedes problem...
Hire an extermination company. It will be expensive. Don't believe me? Go pick up your phone book, look up a local extermination company, give them a call and ask them about it. It will cost you hundreds of dollars and they probably won't even guarantee that their methods will be effective on the first try. You will probably have to call them again for a return visit, costing you more and more money. Not a great option.
Use pesticides yourself. Whether ordering online or buying something from a local shop, this option isn't very appealing either especially if you have children or pets. Besides, only the most harmful chemicals are most effective. Diatomaceous earth and boric acid are not terribly effective.
Besides, do you really want to wipe your sink, bathtub, toilet, counters, dishes, bookshelves, pipes, heaters, and carpets with chemicals? No? Well, I don't blame you. It doesn't sound like a healthy, safe solution to me either.
Live with them. Actually, this isn't a solution at all. But I thought I'd mention it because it's amazing how many people will just "give up" on their house centipedes infestation and decide there's nothing they can do about it.
Well there is something you can do about it.. and it's all laid out for you right here...
There is a quick and easy solution to this problem and I have figured it out. I have packed everything you need to know into an easy-to-read, fun and informative eBook that I have called House Centipede Control: The Ultimate Guide to Get Rid of House Centipedes.
This is the comprehensive guide you need to get rid of house centipedes for good! It contains step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of your house centipede problem and shows you how to take measures to ensure that house centipedes won't return in the future.
Here is what this guide will provide...
A clear understanding of why you have house centipedes in your home.
A list of the conditions house centipedes need in order to survive and directions on how to alter these conditions.
How to identify "problem areas" in your home (Problem areas are places that house centipedes use to access your home or use as safe refuge during the daytime.)
How to easily eliminate ALL PESTS from your home so house centipedes cannot feed themselves in your home.
An understanding of why house centipedes return again and again, plus step-by-step instructions on what to do to make sure they don't come back.
House Centipede Control: The Ultimate Guide to Get Rid of House Centipedes is the ideal solution for anyone suffering from a house centipedes infestation, and let me tell you why...
This solution requires no chemicals or pesticides.
This solution does not involve the use of Boric Acid.
This solution requires no experience at all.
This solution is 100% safe for children.
This solution is 100% safe for animals.
Check out what people are saying...
“My daughter is freaking out over these things”
Subject: Big Thank You
Wednesday, December 29th 2010
To:“Hil Jill,
Just wanted to say thank you for your very informative book. I have just read it so I cannot tell you how effective it is but it sounds like a very good solution. My daughter is freaking out over these things and will not sleep or spend time in her basement apartment where these critters have been seen. As a matter of fact, she is the one who found this book and sent it to me. Anyway, thanks again and have a Happy and Safe New Year. ”
- Paul
Albany, New York
“The number of times I have seen house centipedes
has decreased dramatically ”
Subject: re: Question
Thursday, October 28th 2010
To:“I bought your house centipede ebook back in in August and I thought I would write you back because I knew you were looking for some feedback. I'm happy to say that the number of times I have seen house centipedes has decreased dramatically since I used the advice in your book.
I see the odd one here and there around my basement door but I think these are new ones that are coming into the house rather than the others that were living in the house. I think I will be able to stop them completely by sealing up the small crack under the door down there.
Thanks again.”
- Anthony
Ontario, Canada
“I just want to say THANK YOU”
Subject: re: feedback
Tuesday, Februrary 1st 2011
To:“Hello Jill,
[In response to your request for feedback] overall I am very happy with your book. My husband followed the advice and it was no problem making the suggested changes. ”
- Tracey
Grand Rapids, Michigan
The testimonials from last fall are starting to come in which is great!
But in order to get more customers and more feedback from people just like you, I am offering my solution to you at the discounted price of only $19.95. This discounted price can only be guaranteed until midnight on Saturday, February 1st, 2014. In order to meet the expenses associated with promoting this product, the price will increase to $37 at that time. Sorry!
In exchange for this low price, I only ask that you send me a nice little testimonial once you've read the book. (No, you don't have to.. but I hope some of you will.)
Let me ask you this: is $19.95 worth it? Well, compare that to the cost of a local pest control exterminator and you will agree... Yes, it's well worth it!
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But I'm going to take it one step further...
Let Me Completely Remove the Risk!
If You Make the Small Investment In this Proven House Centipede Elimination Strategy Today, You Will Have A Full 60 Days To Decide If It's Right For You!
If you're not happy for any reason, you are entitled to a 100% refund of your purchase!
I firmly believe that if you ever buy something that doesn't live up to your expectations - whether it be a flat screen TV, a screwdriver from your hardware store, or an eBook on how to get rid of house centipedes - that you are entitled to a 100% money back guarantee if not completely satisfied.
You get what you pay for, right? If you're paying for a solution to your house centipedes problem, that's what you should get. If you don't get that, you get your money back. No questions asked.
That's why I'm offering you a 100% money back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied with House Centipede Control: The Ultimate Guide to Get Rid of House Centipedes.
If the solution offered by this eBook doesn't get rid of your house centipedes problem, simply email me within 60 days of your purchase and you will receive 100% of your money back. Easy as that.
Think you'll get that kind of a guarantee from an EXTERMINATOR? I doubt it.
If you're ready to get rid of your house centipedes problem and take advantage of my highly effective, guaranteed, risk-free solution then please click the big link below...
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Let me sum this all up for you quickly...
Nobody wants to have house centipedes in their home. They're horrifying little creatures.
Imagine how much better you would sleep at night with the knowledge that these little terrorists are gone... The benefit of that alone is worth a lot more than $19.95.
Hiring an exterminator might get the job done after a few very expensive visits from a stranger in your home, but I am offering the exact same result at a tiny fraction of the price.
Whatever you decide to do, remember this.... House centipedes will not magically disappear from your home one day.
In reality, if you do nothing the problem will get worse. The worse it gets, the longer it will take to solve the problem.
So take action now and solve this problem for good!
Your friend,
Jill Haskins
House Centipede Control Expert
P.S. I know from first-hand experience how annoying and gross these pesky critters can be. Take advantage of this offer today and learn exactly how to get rid of house centipedes for good. You will save hundreds of dollars by using my method over the alternative of calling an exterminator!
P.P.S. Remember, you are backed by a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you're unhappy with your purchase for any reason, simply let me know within 60 days from the date you purchased and you will receive your money back.
Remember, you don't have to "accept" this problem and just live with it. It's time you did something about it!
YES! I am a REAL PERSON! If you have any questions, please contact me at the email address on the contact page. I can usually answer your emails within a day.
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