health insider secrets
and principles unlock the door to staggering
truths about cancer and health care, that most doctors and...
The Big
Pharmaceutical Companies would rather you not know!
"...Thank you for saving me"
Dear Dr Mike, "I had cancer in the colon (stage 2), ignored chemo, and left the country to Switzerland. I read your notes that I got from you on a regular basis. Three months, later back to Australia cancer free thanks to you. You showed me a new way to look at cancer. Thank you! So I'm interested in anything you have to say about prevention and maintaining your body. I mention your name in every seminar I conduct. Again, I thank you for saving me and guiding me." Sam |
Book Tied It All Together"
"I have been researching various health topics for years for our Healthy Times newsletter. I have talked to many of the top nutritionists, food scientists, and others in the field of natural health. It seems to me that with health matters, you really have to do your research. You get a piece of the puzzle here, and a piece there. Your book puts it all together in concise form, and it doesn't take days or even hours to wade through like many reports do.
Never before have I seen a more simple, easy to follow outline Thanks Mike, Doug West |
From the desk of Dr. Mike Thompson:
My name
is Dr. Mike Thompson, and in the next few minutes I am going to show
you how you can be
absolutely empowered when it comes to your health,
your body and how to take control of all of
people have called me a health guru but in actuality I am simply a
doctor that shares the truth with his patients and friends.
I really owe my entire
reputation to the TRUTH, that’s
specially designed and copyrighted information system (if you follow
it) will show you how to have
absolute certainty about how your body works,
what it requires for total health, and removes
all of the ‘mystery’ behind how to stay healthy
and vibrant, and ELIMINATE cancer if that's your goal.
It’s based on the very same truths that practitioners
hundreds of years ago utilized before all of the deception began to
take place in our society.
Until now this information has been very carefully guarded,
as there is a lot of money to be lost if the general public were made
aware of these solid
truths and principles.
I am going to share many of them with you in my book,
“Cancer: One Disease, One Cause.”
You see, after completing my education and being in private
practice for many years, I discovered the bottom line about
health, nutrition, and how
it all comes together for unstoppable health.
And the best part is, you can tap into this life-changing
information for a fraction
of what it’s really worth. In fact,
for less than a routine doctor’s office visit and consultation!
All you have to do is order the book, read it, apply the principles
and you will be unstoppable…100% guaranteed!
'It was everything I was looking for and more'
Dr. Mike, "I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading your book. I began eating organically last fall which was when I first heard 'the truth' about what we are eating in today's society. I cannot believe how much JUNK is out there and that I used to eat like that! I recently overcame cancer and am watching everything I put in my mouth. I was looking for more information about what happens to our bodies on a cellular level and your book was everything and more. I can't wait to pass on some of the things I Thanks again, Dianne H. |
"...the TRUTH is always revealed"
"You are right on...the TRUTH is always revealed. You are certainly a health pioneer and I am so happy that I read Kevin Trudeau's book and discovered your website. You are certainly a gift to humankind sharing all your knowledge and have everyone's best interest in mind. Yes, our Creator guides us to where we are and where we need to be.....IN SERVICE!!! I am so congruent with that for sure....I cannot begin to thank you for all you do and all you represent. You are so appreciated." Kali N. |
Why Am I Selling This?
The answer is quite simple. Why not? It
is my passion to share with as many people as possible,
how to be healthy and enjoy life
to it’s fullest. It doesn’t matter what walk of life you come
from, it doesn’t matter how much money you have…if you’re not healthy
it all means NOTHING! Right?
Look at it this way, more and more people are realizing that they
are losing the battle on their health. Why? Because
they are buying into a philosophy that doesn’t work!
They are following the way of the world that has been created for
a few people to make a lot of money at your expense. It doesn’t
have to be that way! And a cancer diagnosis doesn’t have to be
a death sentence!!
You will have unlimited possibilities with
my information that is proven, scientific and very powerful.
Do you want to know how to have it all? Do you want to FINALLY
have the answer to health and have it more abundantly? You may
not believe it, but this breakthrough technology can definitely change
your life! I’m going to reveal to you the secret of life, all
the way down to the cellular level!
Perhaps you are one of those people who just can’t seem to feel better,
or maybe you have been given a so-called death sentence by your doctor…It
doesn’t have to be that way! Maybe you are one
of those selected individuals that has stumbled onto this book for
a reason, and YOU are the reason I’m writing it. I don't believe
you're here by accident!
have ‘cracked the
code’ that before now, was a secret
that everyone was seeking to find…and that secret was how to
become and stay healthy, how to live longer and feel younger, and
how to know
for sure exactly how healthy you are.
an Active Role..."
would you like to be certain about how to take control
of your own health, and not depend on a doctor or some medication?
What if I told you that it
is very simple to do…and reading my book would provide
you with the right specialized knowledge on exactly how to do it?
Would you think that would be of
tremendous value to you? Possibly hundreds
or thousands of dollars?
What would it mean to you, if I could give you the ‘insider information’
on how your body functions…what harms you…what
ages you and what to do to prevent things like degenerative diseases…even
just couldn't put a price on it..."
"Two years ago I had the pleasure to meet Dr. Michael Thompson ("Doc Mike" to his friends and patients) at a conference in Dallas, Texas. I found in our meeting that we held some of the same ideas This last year while filled with challenges and stresses This last summer in the desert outside of Las Vegas, Nevada Friends 'Doc Mike' will bring you to consciousness, improve the 'Doc Mike' will put you back in control of your life and I don't know about you, but from what I've personally God Bless You "Doc Mike", Stephen J. Young |
if I could share with you in simple terms, what the
world’s leading health authorities are realizing
about diseases…what causes them…what is most effective in eliminating
them…and how to prevent your own body from getting sick? And…YOU
don’t have to be a scientist to understand it all!
if I told you cancer is simply a disease of the cell, and you can
change your cellular health?
What if I told you that there are many, many people trying to keep
this information from reaching the general public!
New Lease on Life!"
"I've known Dr. Mike since attending a life changing seminar in the Bahamas back in 1997. I recall the information he has shared with me over the years, and frankly I had no idea what I was doing to myself with regards to my diet and exercise habits. The health benefits I've experienced has given me a new lease on life! What is so amazing, is that the principles he teaches are Thanks for opening my eyes Dr. Mike and assisting me to feeling TC Bradley |
book ‘Cancer: One Disease, One Cause’ will empower you
to being certain about how to live, how to teach
your children how to live, and how
to regain health once it is lost.
Yes, even Cancer!
of the mysteries that the medical establishment in this country has
created, will forever be something you can have power over
through this incredible book.
me give you a ‘glimpse
behind the curtain’ of what you will learn in this
‘revolutionary guide’ to health.
are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many resources
within my book that will assist you in doing your own ‘due diligence’
about cancer and health…and the
truths I’ll reveal to you.
"A Culture Dominated by Drugs and Pharmaceutical
What’s really amazing is that
I’m willing to give all of this away to you for
less than it would cost you to visit your doctor,
have a consultation, and get a ‘prescription for medication’.
Normally services and information like this would easily cost you
three or four, maybe five hundred dollars.
Look, I want
the opportunity to impact your life in a positive and healthy way,
and am rock-solid committed to not letting money stand in
the way of your total health restoration becoming a
Let’s face it,
the benefits from just one or two of the principles in my
e-book will save you a lot of money in office visits, the wrong supplements
and possible toxic medications. That's why I'm not going to charge
you several hundred dollars for my information, though
it would be well worth every penny at that price, and I know
it. In fact, I'm not even going to ask you for
I love giving
folks a really great value and am not doing this only for
the money. So, I am selling this entirely unique,
immediately usable, and extremely simple yet powerful health
information for only
$97. Think about it -- for
less than
the cost of a night out on the town, you can instead unlock
the door to
your health and well-being which is the most valuable asset
ANYONE can own. Because if you can read and you have the desire
to change your health or be proactive in maintaining it at a higher
you will have unstoppable health! --
100% guaranteed!
probably asking, “So what’s the catch”. Well, there is no ‘catch’.
Here is how I am able to let you have this guarded information for
such a tiny investment.
Since you and I are not starting a doctor/patient relationship…and
since I am not spending time with you in person…and because I’m not
having to hire and train staff to assist me in caring for you in my
clinic….I can give you this
incredible price. I don’t “treat
cancer”, I allow the body to do it. It’s that simple.
fact, let me make it very simple for you to take advantage of this
information right now. I'm going to give you
a bonus gift along with my e-book, making this entire
offer valued at well over $500. That's right... my e-book, and
the bonus gift is worth over $500!
I will include in the purchase price of $94
$47 a
complete and thorough "How To" 21-Day Cleanse
Protocol specially developed by me. This Cleanse is valued at
well over $250 by itself, in fact most practitioners may ask for
a significant amount more than that.
Your satisfaction in reading my book is completely guaranteed.
In fact, here is my iron clad…
Take-it-to-The-Bank Guarantee:
Disease, One Cause risk-free for two months with my 100% money-back guarantee. I stand behind my work 100%, and I want satisfied, happy readers |
that fair or what? That means that you can try out all of this
material, use my resources and learn about the newest breakthrough
technology at MY
risk…while you decide if it works for you or not,
for a full 60 days!
my guarantee is contingent upon one thing and one thing alone.....
that you really give my information a fair and honest effort for
at least 60 days...
if it doesn’t help you become healthier and give you the certainty
of your health and HOW TO remain that way after 60 days…I honestly
want you to ask for your money back. The
burden to deliver is entirely on me.
at it this way…. $47.00
is really a painless drop
in the bucket compared to the money you would spend
on continuing to go down the road of ineffective and expensive
treatment. Living your life without this information
would cost you many times, in the long run, what I'm
I'm really giving this away!
I’ve broken it down
for you…all you need to do is read…use the resources and improve your
health and well being.
will be untouchable!!
It’s very easy to get started right away.
Just click below:
ready to rise above all of the lies…prepare
yourself to learn the most
profound information anyone seeking the
truth will find…and open your mind and begin to fill
it up with the truths you’ve been missing out on. You
can beat cancer or any other health challenge with this information.
Just think you’ll no
longer have to be fearful and wonder about your health.
Never again question
whether you can have it all,
because you can.
Cancer: One
Disease, One Cause…will
show you how.
PSS. Not
only that but you will be one of the first who will be privy to a
breakthrough that will change the health care industry
without question.
Michael N. Thompson, D.C.
4101 West Green Oaks Blvd. Suite 305 #588
Arlington, TX 76016
Copyright ©2007 All
Rights Reserved. Design by Serve
Sense, LLC.
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