Stop missing trades of your Expert Advisors and Trading Signals providers. Don't be dependent on your own computer system not crashing, not losing internet connectivity, not incurring any electrical issues, and most importantly not freezing up due to the windows security flaws such as repeat updates and viruses/spyware/etc updates and harms.
Our hosting package gives our clients real-time access to their individual accounts. This gives you the ability to view, manage and trade in real-time through your broker, and host live or demo Expert Advisors. Using the Unique VPS Account Control Panel Forex Hoster allows its customers to easily upload their Expert Advisors, change their preferred broker instantly and other unique features, which are described in the Forex Hoster features section
Forex Hoster provides the clients with MT4 platforms already pre-installed on the VPS Accounts with customer preferred broker, including the unique ability to instantly change the broker using the VPS Account Control Panel.
Web-based & Multi-Operating System Support
Our unique VPS Account Control Panel allows our customers to access their hosted Metatrader through a web broser and literally support any operating system with a web browser including Windows, Linux, Mac OSX (and OS9),etc. Our technology Does Not depend on the Microsoft server platform, thus allowing anyone with an internet access directly to their own MT platform.
Simple upload of Expert Advisors
Forex Hoster allows for simple and easy management of your Expert Advisors, Custom indicators and scripts. In fact, through our platform it takes LESS steps to install an Expert Advisor on MetaTrader, than it is when MT is running on your own desktop!
24/7 monitored Systems
Our servers are part of a larger grid, that uses various management systems to make sure that each client has access to the internet, and is up and running as needed. You can host your Expert Advisor without worry.
Complete independence from the Microsoft Environment
The Forex Hoster Server/Client connection, doesn’t rely on any Windows specific technology, furthermore, the Server is completely UNIX based, which is void of any Virus, Spy ware, Ad ware or any other form of Mal ware and Update issues that plague the MS Systems.
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