"You Can Benefit Immensely From This Phenomenal Book & Audio System The 40 Day Master System That Can Transform Your Life & Help You Release The Power Within You, In Only 40 Days!"
Message From : Sharif and Sakkara Ali
Dear Friend,
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to use the full potential of your Mindpower to it's greatest capacity? Well my friend, if you have wondered what it would be like to be able to tap into your mind’s true potential your finding this website is a true godsend because we have perfected and designed a fantastic system that can help you start tapping into the incredible potential that has been hidden within you since birth. All this in the next 40 days…
You may wonder how looking over a book and listening to some audio tracks is going to help you achieve your goals and begin to release the Power From Within you. This system succeeds because it releases the power within you that is already there! You can use The 40 Day Master System to tap into your mind's potential that is suppressed, or inactive. This mindpower is deep within your sub conscious mind. The book is easy to read and straight forward. It was designed to help you understand how this system works. The audio part of the program utilizes neuro-linguistic programming (neural linguistic programming) (NLP) techniques that speak direct and unwaveringly to your sub conscious mind. They are specifically worded to get results to your benefit that will have your mind using more of it’s full capacity.
Our sub conscious mind is accountable for almost 90% of all our mind's everyday activities. This common misconception may be where the legend that we merely use 10% of our brain comes from. In actuality, we use our entire brain however 90% of these activities are carried out on auto pilot in the sub conscious mind. Complicated responsibilities like maintaining your respiratory system, hair and nail growth, skin regeneration and heart functions are carried out completely on auto pilot!
Think About That For a Minute! You can release the power from within your sub conscious mind that performs remarkably multifaceted activities without you realizing it to get the most out of your own potential and accomplish feats you believed unattainable! Just imagine how much you can accomplish once you learn how to master self and use the awesome, mind boggling power of the sub conscious mind.
Hey, Don't Take My Word For It! Listen to What Others Who Have Used The 40 Day Master System Said! These Are Some Incredible Testimonials From Our Satisfied Customers!
Its already been bringing some laughs and smiles of enlightenment here and there to the inner child that still resides in me and will always be.Indeed! I actually did end up finish reading the book and plan on starting today. A lot of the things that were said really got to me and I know slowly but surely things will start manifesting in the manner that I wish for them to be conducted as long as I keep up and practice this for my next 40 possibly even more days. The audios are pretty amazing as well! I plan to just be able to recite them without even having to hear them through a windows media player eventually.
Much blessings!
Hector Ruiz Colon - Massachusetts
I walked away with more rewards than I ever could have imagined. During my 40-day journey, I gained the following:1. I attracted the biggest speaking opportunity of my writing career. I was invited to speak at BlogHer, the largest conference in the world for women in social media, and home of one of the most popular women’s blogging networks.
2. I attracted all of the talented writers and creative assistance that I needed for the orgasms issue of Corset Magazine, cutting my costs and putting me on the road to recoup my original investment in the publication (going for the “black” and getting out of the “red” in this issue!).
3. I attracted more advertisers for the orgasms issue of Corset Magazine, better freelance writing opportunities, and more clients, increasing my income.
4. I attracted a seamless transition from leaving Rio de Janeiro, traveling to Alto Paraiso, and managing to live quite well on a budget.
5. I attracted more love in my relationships, strengthening the connections with the men I’m dating and helping me learn more and more each day.
6. I attracted more confidence in my service offerings, writing, and entrepreneurial ventures.
7. I attracted extreme focus. It takes nothing but pure concentration to consistently say affirmations for 40 days and journal. But the discipline is infectious, and has led me to do more meditations and affirmations daily, even though my 40 days are over.
If you need help concentrating on any aspect of you life, including career, love, family, or health, you should download the 40 Day Master System. It teaches you discipline, which is essential in any walk of life, and puts you on the path to manifest your greatest aspirations. Not only have I felt an increase in my self-esteem and confidence, I’ve also recognized that I am capable of creating whatever type of life that I want with the right focus, hard work, and intention.
Arielle Loren - NYC
The 40 day system is awesome! Love onenessJohn Tucker - United Kingdom
I've read the book and have started the 40-day program. I'm really grateful for this. Thank you.Ibrahim - United Kingdom
This maybe the missing peace in my journey.Michael A Vick – Mount Vernon, NY
I got the 40 Day master system a few weeks ago and it is lovely. Great gift.Thanks for sharing. Peace.
N. P.
I’m so grateful I got the 40 day master system bro!Jackson
I'm on my third day and I think I'm already experiencing something. I got one of those dream inspirations earlier, so I'm positive something is working. Have you had any reports of waking up in Theta or Delta from anyone else?Also by the way, whatever you did to put this Master System together is really working. I've studied a lot of mind science along with Binaural Beats, neural linguistic programming, etc, whatever you guys are doing keep it up. This stuff is working pretty well. I have experienced some tremendous benefits and success with it.
Jay – Dallas, Texas
2012 is full of excitement, opportunity, and adventure! I am personally beginning to reap of the seeds that I have sown in the past year.You have the ability to create your world. I appreciate Sharif and Sakkara Ali for the 40 Day Master System which has been a super helpful instrument in my life!
Mervin Stoddart Jr – Indianapolis, Indiana
WOW!!! Got contacted by Hollywood today!! A record label interested in my songs!! Keep me in positive thoughts about this because it's what I wanted : )Shanita J – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
and you shall have whatever you desire!!! Please keep us updated.Sharif Ali
@ Sharif 40days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's working Its's working!Shanita J – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
We are soo happy for you. Stay Focused! You have the ability to create your world!!!Sharif Ali
It was right on target. I've read a lot of things. You're really breaking it down. What you're saying is the truth and so I would really highly recommend it! I like how you're using the subliminals. You're giving us the knowledge and information and then using the other part of it too, tapping into our power source!BeverlyD - Detroit, USA
Peace RaMan JuDah how are you doing on the Master System?
Sakkara Ali – Salvador, Brazil
...I can't begin to tell you... the system is the bomb as the young ones say. This is day 6 for me and I can feel the transformation. It is as if the voice of God reminds you of your goal if you lose focus. In addition, there has been tremendous clarity in my vision of my work as well.I have been getting much wisdom since initiating the system. It is all encompassing, is probably the best way to put it. There is a fine tuning going on within... You feel it almost from the beginning. I am definitely plugging your program into my video productions for the future. As a martial artist (taught martial arts for years), I know the fortification is in the journey, not the goal. Completeness is the goal. I am fully beginning to understand that the universal creative thought within me is the source of my SUPPLY.
RahMan JuDah- Atlanta, USA
Get The 40 Day Master System For Only $39.99!
Watch This video to Learn More About How The 40 Day Master System Works!
What Sets The 40 Day Master System Apart From Any Other Self Help Product:
Let Us Help You Consciously Create Your World and Release The Power From Within!
The 40 Day Master System
Regardless Of What You Desire, Whether You Want More Cash, Better Health, Relationships, Success Or Pleasure, The 40 Day Master System Can Help You! The 40 Day Master System Was Created To Help You Release The Power From Within You, Master Self, Unlock The Power Of Your Sub Conscious Mind, And Begin To Consciously Create Your World!
Get The 40 Day Master System For Only $39.99! Release The Power From Within You!
This is The Secret To Manifesting Your Desires And Being Able To Create Your World.
About This System
Do you know what distinguishes successful people from people who are frustrated with life?
People that have a flair for focusing on their goals are able to utilize into the hidden power from within that most people are oblivious to. The majority of exceedingly successful people confess that they astonished themselves with the accomplishments they were able to achieve.
Buried inside you lies the capacity to prosper at anything you wish to accomplish. All you need to do is release this power from within you. The power to create your world is always there and prepared to aid you. It does not matter how rich, poor, old, young, healthy, sick, or disenfranchised you may feel. When you master self, you have the ability to change your life for the better and accomplish great things!
The 40 Day Master System was designed to help you release the power from within your own mind. Imagine if you will, that your body is a ship (spaceship or boat, doesn’t matter).
Your conscious mind is in reality the captain of the ship (your body).
In this aspect, your subconscious mind would serve as the crew. Your subconscious supervises all of your bodily functions in addition to the managing of over 76 trillion cells and your major organs while your conscious mind’s main focus should be on steering the ship (your body) in the right course.
Your conscious mind communicates with your subconscious mind through your emotions. When you feel happy, sad, sick, or upset you are unwittingly expressing to your subconscious mind what course you need to steer the ship (your body) towards. This is one reason why it can be so tough to come across financial prosperity if you are accustomed to scarcely making ends meet, lose weight and keep the weight off, and numerous circumstances in your life that you might need to make better.
You must release the power from within or you will keep on inadvertently directing yourself towards misfortune and hardship.
This is why it is so IMPORTANT To STOP unknowingly setting yourself up to lose!
Use The 40 Day Master System to help you NOW!
If you want to alter the direction your life is moving in Act Now and Download This Program. The 40 Day Master System utilizes to the point, practical techniques to help you master self and release the power from within you so that you can consciously create your world and realize your wishes.
This is a powerful way to release the power from within and put it to work for your greatest good.
There is Absolutely NO Reason to wait any longer to receive the abundance of health, wealth, and happiness that we know you deserve!
What Can The 40 Day Master System Do For You?
The 40 Day Master System was designed to be:
You will not have to wait for any package to be mailed to your residential address.
You also do not have to be worried whether or not this is a mail-order scam that is going to leave you frustrated with a box of garbage that you’ll have to stand in line at the post office with so you can send it back to the scamming company.
These secret techniques have been converted to digital format, and the great thing about anything in digital format is that their delivery is made convenient and instantaneous.
There is NO RISK because we offer a 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. That gives you two months to try the system out and implement the 40 Day Master System into your life. If you do not feel that this system can help you accomplish your desires simply let us know so that you can get a refund.
NOW you can have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to these secrets, and all it takes is a few clicks of the mouse.
Simply click the button below to order.
Why you should buy this book?
The 40 Day Master System by itself is worth more than the $39.99 price!
Not only does this system have solid and practical information that can help you release your power from within but it also contains an audio portion that uses neuro-linguistic programming to help walk you through the process!
As if that wasn’t enough we also include the audiobook so that you have absolutely no excuse to fail to succeed at whatever you desire! You can listen to the audiobook version and then get started with the audio part of the system just in case you don’t like to read or do not have time to read the ebook.
As if that was not enough to help you tap your subconscious mind power and start realizing your hidden potential we are also throwing in the helpful booklet 17 Powerful Ways to Attract Abundance!
We absolutely want you to succeed and share your success story with us!
Just Click the “Buy Now” button below to Instantly Purchase Everything Now.
What if I Can’t Succeed?
You are not the exception! Everyone has this incredible power within them to achieve great things. You can succeed at whatever you desire once you release this immense power from within.
This system was designed to help you do exactly that. Everything is included because we want to see you succeed!
Price: $39.99. The 40 Day Master System's price will definitely rise soon. The reason is because I am offering valuable info as well as necessary tools to help you realize success for only a few dollars.
The price may bypass $100 in a short time span.
The secrets to attaining success and releasing the power from within as well as tools to help you achieve this task are contained in this system which makes it very difficult for me to keep it at this low price.
For every book that Sharif Ali releases, new versions are always released that contain more pages and other bonuses. The new versions are always sent free of charge to those who bought the old versions. Prices of books increase with the release of new versions, so it is always better to buy Sharif Ali’s books as soon as they are released.
The book is in PDF format. In the book we explain how this system works and give complete instructions on how to tap into your mind's hidden potential! The audio files are recorded in the theta brainwave frequency allowing the powerful reaffirming statements to go directly to your subconscious mind.
The audio works to aim your subconscious mind toward your self-progress. This can be done easily. All you have to do is follow the instructions along with the audio. We basically walk you through this whole process.
As soon as your order is processed you will receive the link to download the file in your email. (PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR CORRECT EMAIL AT PURCHASE) You will receive this email within a few hours of your purchase. The e-book and mp3 audio is in one ZIP file. Click the download link. All you have to do is click the file and it will extract the e-book and mp3 audio files automatically.
If you are running an older system that does not come with the software required to open ZIP files all you have to do is unzip the file with a free program like 7-Zip (go here to download http://www.7-zip.org/)
If you are using a Mac computer or smart phone just drag the file to your desktop and double click. You can also just drag the zip file icon onto the StuffitExpander.app icon.
If You Need Further Instructions On Opening The ZIP File Click Here
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“Beat the Recession” 100% Money-Back In 60 Days Guarantee
If you are still unsure whether The 40 Day Master System is for you, let us remove all risk from your decision with this guarantee:
No-Risk Guarantee #1: If at any time during the first 60 Days, The 40 Day Master System hasn’t clearly made a difference in your life, or for any other reason at all, I guarantee a full and prompt refund for every cent you paid.
No-Risk Guarantee #2: If you decide to cancel at any time before the first 60 days, —even if it is on the 59th day — not only will you get all your money back, but I’m going to let you keep ALL the free gifts — just as a thank you for giving me a fair try.
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