Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Healthy Urban Kitchen Cookbook - Bonus

  What if I told You Everything You Thought You Knew About Weight Loss and Healthy Eating was Wrong? 


Did you know that 'Eating Less and Exercising More' can Damage Your Metabolism, Increase Belly Fat and Cause Cravings? And did you also know that most 'health foods' are anything but heathy? And no, that's not a sales gimmick - I've been doing this as a professional coach for almost 20 years in New York City with great success. 

I want to show you exactly how my healthy meal plan system works, but first…

Are you tired of being lied to by greedy corporate food companies that are only interested in your money and could care less about your health?

Are you ready to toss aside all of the conflicting misinformation that you’re finding online or from your doctor, dietitian, or nutritionist?

Are you ready to finally learn the TRUTH and take control over your own health instead of trusting so-called “experts” who in reality are no healthier than you?

Are you ready to experience a big increase in energy that can carry you through your day?

Are you ready to experience a drastic reduction in stress which will leave you happier and your days much more enjoyable?

Do you want to do all of this while eating delicious and long forgotten health foods, like Butter? That’s right, I said Butter.

If you said yes to ANY of those questions then I have some great news for you…

Dear Health-Minded Friend,Antonio Valladares paleo flat belly diet healthy meal plans gluten free organic

My name is Antonio Valladares and I have spent the past 18 years helping people overcome their various health issues as a certified Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach, certified Personal Trainer & Exercise Specialist and licensed Massage Therapist in New York City.

And I have been in your shoes…

After being a vegetarian for 15 years with severe and undiagnosed food intolerances, my health hit rock bottom.

I saw specialists for years and was even hospitalized from my serious digestive disorders while my doctors remained clueless.

This spawned my lifelong passion and search for the truth in health & nutrition which is what led me to my career  as a nutrition and fitness professional. And through this process and my studies, I have discovered how to turn my health around which I have successfully shared with 1000’s of people just like you.

I take pride in keeping on the cutting edge of nutrition and exercise science and pretty much everything I teach goes against the grain of the mainstream nutrition 'experts'.  And for good reason!

With that being said, let’s clear up a few common misconceptions right away…


Misconception #1: Eating a Healthy Diet is just too hard to stick with!


It’s a lot easier than spending your days feeling terrible with no energy and being tired all of the time.

And when you eat the foods and get the nutrients that your body desperately needs then you won’t feel hungry or deprived all the time. It’s about getting the nutrients to your cells so that your body can heal itself.

It’s actually pretty easy when you have a laid out system and a solid plan to work from which is exactly what I’m going to share with you.

Misconception #2: Eating a Healthy Diet is just too expensive!


Considering the current and rising costs of healthcare, it’s actually far cheaper to eat healthy foods than it is to waste your money on the unhealthy ones.

Any money you might save right now is going to cost you anywhere from 5 to 100+ times the cost in future medical bills if you’re headed towards cancers, heart disease, and any other debilitating disease.

Employees are even being fired or passed up for promotions based on the condition of their health and how much sick time they are costing their company.

Misconception #3: I have supplements and medication to keep me healthy!


Your diet is the very foundation of your health. You can take supplements and/or medications that can provide short term results but rarely if ever do they help you in the long run unless you’re eating a healthy diet.

As the saying goes… “You are what you eat!”

So achieving perfect health without a truly healthy diet is just not possible.

Misconception #4:  I have to go to the gym, do cardio or work hard to lose weight.

The Truth:

This is 100% false. Yes you should exercise so you look & feel strong, but you do not need to in order to lose weight. And the most popular forms of exercise, like cardio or bootcamps, are not only a waste of time, they are unhealthy.

Misconception #5: It’s too late for me to turn my health around!


It’s never too late to turn your health around. In fact I suffered for more than 20 years before turning my health and life around for the better.

The choice is yours. Do you want to feel great and enjoy life or would you rather remain in your current state of health and continue to cope on a day to day basis?

See What A Few People Have to Say About the Healthy Urban Kitchen System


The Healthy Urban Kitchen is a simple, step by step system for shopping, cooking and eating the world’s healthiest foods. It was created for busy people who want to improve health, have more energy, and prevent disease.

Here's a taste of what will happen when you apply the strategies from the Healthy Urban Kitchen:

You'll have more energy, feel more satisfied from eating and your weight will balance itself without dieting or counting calories

You'll have a list of foods, recipes, meal plans that are ‘done for you’

You'll have proven, science-based solutions & practical strategies that work

You'll be focused on the critical few things responsible for optimal health

You'll easily cut through the confusion & scams and be less overwhelmed than ever before

You'll never get bored or stressed about ‘what to eat’

You can eat more, balance your weight and prevent the diseases that are plaguing modern society

You will look, feel and perform better than ever (in work or sports)

Easily discover unhealthy 'health foods' that damage your digestion and are responsible for many of your symptoms

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Here is What You Get:Antonio Valladares paleo flat belly diet healthy meal plans gluten free organic

  • 125+ Easy Recipes (gluten free, soy free, trans-fat free)  

  • Quick Start Guide

  • Nutrition & Lifestyle Guidelines  

  • Urban Fat Loss Formula

  • Success Journal

  • Goal Achieving Workshop

  • Healthy Kitchen Makeover

  • Meal Plans & Menu Planning  

  • Shopping Guide    

  • Healthy Fats & Oils Guide

  • Guide to Sustainable Foods

  • Recipes & Resources

  • Lifetime Updates

  • 11 Special Bonus Reports

Free Bonus Reports You Won't Find Anywhere Else:

  •  Bonus #1  Awesome Raw Food Recipes

    raw food recipes, gluten free, healthy eating, organic foodDawn Blacklidge, BS owner of BodyTemple Boot Camp in Hawaii and author of the Retro Raw Recipes books provides us with delicious and highly nutritious recipes that you will love. From gluten-free cereals to smoothies to guacamole to desserts - these are some of the best raw food recipes I have ever tried (and I have tried a lot)! Dawn is an internationally recognized fitness and nutrition expert and former Miss Natural California. Dawn transformed her health and vitality through raw food nutrition - and I'm not just talking about vegan raw foods! Dawn is also a co founder of The Rainbow Raw Games - the first event of its kind, briding the world of sports, raw foods, physical empowerment and personal growth.

     Bonus #2  The Top 10 Reasons You Aren't Losing Weight

    thyroid problems, gluten free recipes,organic food, fat is not your fault, hidden reasons for weight gainSpecial report by Dr. Bryan P. Walsh, Naturopathic Physician, author of Guide to Thyroid Health and Fat Is Not Your Fault. Dr. Walsh makes known the hidden health problems, including digestive disorders, hormonal imbalance, stress & thyroid problems that may be sabotaging your weight loss program. Dr. Walsh, an internationally recognized exercise & nutrition expert and Naturopathic Physician reveals the truth behind why so many people are overweight and finally puts to rest the 'eat less and exercise more' & 'will-power' myths. If you have ever struggled to lose weight - you need to read this now



      Bonus #3  The Dangers of Gluten & Grains



                                      Bonus #4  The Cholesterol Mythscholesterol myth, organic food, gluten free recipes

    Interview with Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, PhD, MD author of The Cholesterol Myths as well as Fat and Cholesterol Are Good for You. He is also founder of The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics. This is the controversial interview that that Pharmaceutical Industry doesn't want you to hear! Listen in as he exposes the myth that too much saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease! Dr. Ravnskov reveals the shocking truth about cholesterol's role in the body and what he really thinks about statins. Discover one of the biggest medical myths that drives a multi-billion dollar industry and has convinced millions of Americans to take dangerous drugs and follow a very unhealthy, corporate diet plan. Does eating cholesterol rasie your blood cholesterol? Discover the truth for yourself...This information can save your life!

     Bonus #5  Interview with Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez, M.D.

    gluten free recipes, easy weight loss, belly fat, organic foodInterview with Dr. Gonzalez, author of One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition & Cancer as well as The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer. He is also featured in Suzanne Somers' Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who are Curing Cancer. Dr Gonzalez is considered by many to be the world's leading expert in pancreatic cancer. He is a world-renowned pioneer in the advancement of innovative medicine and nutritional therapy. Listen in and discover how his alternative and highly controversial therapies are helping people heal from cancer and other degenerative diseases. Dr. Gonzalez has been using an individualized approach to nutrition in the prevention & treatment of cancer since 1981. You will be shocked as he narrates his experience of when the mainstream medical establishment tried to shut him down!

    Bonus #6 Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef

    grass fed meats, organic food, gluten free, John Wood, MS who holds a degree in Farm Operations from Iowa State University, is the owner of U.S. Wellness Meats. In this 'no holds barred' interview, John reveals the benefits of this nutrient-dense superfood and the critical difference between grain fed meat and grass-fed meats. Discover the secret ingredient found in grass-fed beef that prevents cancer, burns fat, and helpstreat diabetes. See why so many professional athletes, fitness & nutrition experts from all over the country rely on John and U.S. Wellness Meats for their food. This interview contains the best information available anywhere on the importance of grass-fed beef.

    Bonus #7 Normal Blood Test Score Are Not Good Enough!

     gluten free, organic food, easy weight loss, belly fat, paleo solutionInterview with Ellie Cullen, RN. Ellie has been a licensed Registered Nurse for more than thirty years with extensive clinical nursing, nutrition, and lifestyle consulting experience. She exposes the inadequacy of 'normal ranges' & blood test scores. Ellie explains the vital difference between regular tests and her preventative blood tests. Ellie's expertise and passion for helping people get healthy radiates in this exclusive 90 minute interview. If you or anyone in your family is facing a disease - you need to listen to this now. This information can save your life!

     Bonus #8  Salad Dressing: The Silent Killer

    healthy salad dressings, organic food, gluten free

     Article & recipes by Dr. Catherine Shanahan, MD., author of Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Dr. Shanahan trained at Cornell University's Molecular Biology program where she learned how nutrients direct physiologic growth. Dr. Shanahan offers this eye-opening article on why popular salad dressings - including 'healthy' organic types - are nothing more than a 'silent killer'. You also get 6 of Dr. Shanahan's home-made salad dressings that are absolutely delicious and ultra healthy! Dr. Shanahan lives in Hawaii and lectures around the Pacific revolutionizing how her fellow medical professionals think about nutrition and health.

    Bonus #9  Gluten: Hidden Factor in Many Diseases

      paleo solution, robb wolf, gluten free, grains healthy, celiacInterview and articles from Linda Melos, ND. Dr. Melos explains the difference between Naturopathic and Conventional Medicine. Dr. Melos shares some of the simple, yet profound methods she uses to help her patients achieve true health & wellness. In her article, Dr. Melos reveals common disease that are related to gluten intolerance. In Why You Can't Eat Just One, Dr. Melos exposes common ingredients found in 'health food' cereals and in junk foods that contribute to weight problems, depression, attention deficit disorder, mood disorders and alcoholism.

    Bonus #10 Top 10 Tips for Eating Healthy at Restaurants

    eating out tips, healthy eating, easy weight loss, gluten free recipes, organic food, belly fatAmy Fournier Constantino, BA. A holistic nutritionist, lifestyle coach and the founder of The Ripple Effect Diet, gives us this special report. A former fitness model and actress turned Fitness & Nutrition expert, Amy is a certified yoga instructor and ACE, AFFA, CHEK certified. She is also a guest speaker for popular radio and television shows. Amy shares 10 simple tips that you can follow when eating out that will enable you to stick to your health and weight goals and enjoy your food at the same time!

    Bonus #11  Sex and the City of Food Shopping

    eating out tips, gluten free recipes, organic food, easy weight lossJackie Blake, BS Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach and founder of The Organic Experience in New York City offers one of the best, and funniest, articles I have ever read on the quality of food. This article exposes the best and worst places to get your food by comparing the different types of organic farming to something we all can understand or at least have experienced: RELATIONSHIPS! She compares the various levels of human relationships (the good, the bad and the ugly) to the levels of food production - from most pure to most toxic. Welcome to the drama of the food chain!


Our 60 day, 100% Satisfaction or Your Money Back Guarantee!

Try the new Healthy Urban Kitchen for a full 60 day "test drive" with absolutely No Risk.  Discover an easy way to shop, cook healthy foods and experience improved health, greater energy and experience first hand, the excitement of achieving fat loss success!

All I ask is that you honestly give it a shot. Do it for one month and see what kind of results you get. If you are truly not 100% satisfied that this program has shown you how to shop & cook in an easy way and this program has not improved your health and reduced body fat, just let me know within 60 days for a prompt and courteous, full refund. And keep the e-book and bonus gifts free, with my compliments - that way, you risk nothing.

  •  Please Note: This is a downloadable e-book program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available for you to download and get started right away after ordering. This program is NOT available in stores, so you can only access it through this website.

    Clicking the order button will take you to a secure page for the transaction by Clickbank. Clickbank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. Upon confirmation of your order, you will immediately be redirected to a download page to download the e-book program as well as the free bonuses. If you have a high speed internet connection, the downloads usually take less than a minute. The e-book download and free bonuses will be in PDF format, so you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open the files. Most computers already have Adobe Reader installed, but if you don't currently have it, a free download is available once you're on the download page.

    If you're still unsure if "The Healthy Urban Kitchen Cookbook" program is right for you or have any question, please visit the FAQ page. If you can't find the answer to your question there, please feel free to email healthyurbankitchen @ gmail.com, and my team will help you out as best as we can.

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