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How in the heck do I get into these art fairs?
How do you stand out from the crowd with your art?
Dear Aspiring Art Show Artist,
What if you had specific information that could give you the inside track on finding the best art shows, choosing the best show for you, building an attractive display, the jurying process, selling and pricing, PLUS 10 more topics you didn't even know to ask about?
Would this information be helpful to your Art Fair dreams?
Presenting: Two downloadable Special Reports with exactly the information you need to realize your art fair goals:
Special Report I -
Secrets to Success at Art Fairs
Special Report II -
Getting Started in Art Fairs
Warning: this information could be shockingly beneficial to your wealth!
The information in these special reports come from two seminars recently hosted by Connie Mettler, a 25+ year veteran of the nation's art fairs, art fair organizer, and Publisher of the #1 art fair web site, ArtFairCalendar.com.
In her Special Reports you will find common sense and detailed practical answers to your most frequently asked questions. This exclusive "insider" information is distilled from Connie's extensive experience in the industry, membership in artist organizations, and years of personal "in the booth" knowledge at art events nationwide.
Click the Buy Now Button - you'll instantly be able to download the E-Books!
100% money-back guarantee for 8 weeks, no questions asked.
Unavailable anywhere else - online or off - the exclusive "insider" information in:
Special Report I: Art Fairs - 17 Secrets to Success at Art Fairs
can help you learn about:
This downloadable PDF of the seminar includes 20+ detailed pages and 17+ "need to know" topics for art fair exhibitor success.
"Even with a more than 30 year history of painting and 2 Masters degrees in Painting I’m having no luck even being accepted to Festivals. Any tips that help will be greatly appreciated. - Jim"
Part Two of this exclusive Art Fair Insider's Success Package was produced specifically to help struggling artists like Jim (and YOU!).
Special Report II: Getting into Art Fairs, 20 Questions Answered
delivers 29 more pages on 20 detailed topics submitted by artists. This Report is full of the real nuts and bolts of the business, specifically designed for beginners in the art fair business, with real-world answers to the practical questions you need answered!
Read Volume II for details on:
Don't these sound like questions you've been asking yourself??
Save yourself time, money, and heartache by ordering these
Special Art Fair Insider's Success Reports today!
Hey Connie, Great job! I enjoyed the teleseminar very much… Both of you did well, gave good information, and were interesting to listen to throughout the program. If you’re considering doing other programs, I’d love to hear one dedicated to photography. Thanks for including me! Carole
Just wanted to let you know I attended and found it to be time well spent. Please do it again soon. Mary
Good Morning, This is great!! Thanks for the opportunity to hear from a professional. E. Shanley
Hi Connie, Good informative call for the beginning Art Fair exhibitor, and you used my question about pricing. Your networking point for obtaining information is very true, Artists are more than willing to share show information and offer suggestions as to what shows would be good for your work. George
Hi Connie, I make jewelry and I wanted to thank you for this Special Report. The best resource information that you gave me was for the PMA craft show. I went to their website and looked at the slide images and that helped me to see where the bar is set for jewelry slides in an art show submittals. I have been in business for 2 years and have found that getting into the shows is very competitive. From what I understand, jewelry and photography are the 2 most competitive fields for these shows. I would love to hear more category specific teleseminars. For me, one on jewelry would be great! Regards, Angie
Thanks - it was a very helpful seminar. I’d prefer seminars with a general selection of questions. I’m at a place where I feel I still need to know something about everything, rather than dig too deep into one subject. Paul Messink
Connie, Wanted to thank you. Great information, and you organize the presentation of the topics very well, each flows into the other. Can’t wait for the next one. Thank you, JR Lamartine
Connie, I found this helpful and informative. I look forward to future opportunities. I have just gotten started in this business, so I welcome all sources of experience and support. Please keep me on your e-mail list. I can anticipate using more of your services, in the future. Enlightened Images,LLC
Hi Connie, I missed the first teleseminar, but listened to the second one that was yesterday. Thanks to your website I am very busy this summer beginning tomorrow (Warren Co. Festival of the Arts) till August 23rd (Mason Heritage Festival). I had some concerns about booth display and yesterday’s teleseminar gave me confidence. Thank you again and feel free to use my comments as a testimonial. Also, since English is the 5th language to me feel free to proofread before you use any of my emails :). Konul Zwolinski
Buy these downloadable Special Reports ebooks now in a
special package deal: Only $24.95!
Special Report I: 17 Secrets to Art Fair Success
Special Report II: Getting Into Art Fairs: 20 Important Questions Answered
Buy now for INSTANT DOWNLOAD ACCESS to BOTH of these exclusive PDF reports.
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You can contact us with any questions at "cs @ artfaircalendar.com".
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The sooner you act, the sooner you can start exhibiting at art fairs! Every day you wait is one less day you could be enjoying the profits you always wanted.
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