Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Cheap

There are exercises in this book that you

simply won't find ANYWHERE else...

Let me put it this way...Read
through a bodybuilding magazine cover to cover and you'll find maybe
a few articles containing information you don't already know. Maybe
you'll learn one new exercise. Maybe you'll learn a trick or two for
an exercise you already know. Maybe you won't learn anything new at

"The Best Exercises
You've Never Heard Of
" contains 53 exercises. Even if you
already know a few of them, you'll not only get a ton more exercises
that you don't yet know, you'll also get tips and tricks for making
the ones you already do know even more effective!

Soon you'll become the "gym-guru" that everybody turns to
when they want new and powerful exercise information to shatter their
plateaus (trust me...it happens ALL the time :).

And remember that
feeling you had the very first time you worked out? That feeling of
not being exactly sure of what you're doing? Gone forever. YOU
will be the one the newcomers (and everybody else!) looks up to.

  • I'm a personal trainer in Montreal
    and it's been a while since I learned new exercises. You
    really applied biomechanical principles to the max
    : good
    job. A few will become staple exercises in my programs for
    my clients and myself. Thanks a lot! - Carl Juneau

  • "LOVE this book!! I have
    already had some friends order a copy. All of us feel like
    we should send you additional $$$ for the ideas.
    Not only
    am I looking forward to the results I know I'll be getting,
    but it's been kind of fun getting stares from other gym goers
    who are obviously wondering 'what the heck I am doing'."
    - Patrick Albanese

  • "I thought I had seen
    it all until your book.
    Some great exercises, and long
    forgotten techniques have put a new zip on my routine."
    - Kevin Grzeniak, New Jersey

  • "I found it so helpful
    I canceled my sports club membership.
    I no longer pay
    $45.00 a month. What a savings!! I am now exercising at home
    and at work. Your book is a never-ending resource guide for
    many different exercises." - S. Faulkner

  • "I find your book excellent.
    After more than 30 years in this sport, I found in your
    book plenty of new ideas.
    I like especially the detailed
    way you are explaining the exercises and also the 'tricks'
    you give. Thanks a lot!" - Ewald Kooiman


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Best Abdominal Exercises

You've Never Heard Of...

you've got the desire
, these

exercises will ensure you...

  • Develop
    six-pack abs
    that pop out and make
    a washboard look like a chalkboard

  • Tighten
    your waist

    to wasp-like proportions

  • Flatten
    your stomach

    in areas where regular crunches totally fail (lower belly

  • Develop astonishing
    core strength, rock-solid stability
    and explosive power

  • Tighten the muscles
    under your love handles to
    make those bulges practically disappear

  • Target your hard-to-reach
    lower abs
    with pinpoint, guided-missile precision

  • Get great abs, even
    if you don't have any training equipment
    at all

  • Use every moment of
    your ab workout to maximum efficiency, cutting
    your workout time to a fraction of what it was before
    with stunning results!


when you think of abdominal exercises, what are the first exercises
that pop into your head?

Crunches? Sit-ups?
Leg raises?

These exercises are okay
but, as Rick found out, they can only take your abdominal muscles
so far. To really maximize your abdominal development, power and core
strength (not to mention get a flat stomach!), you need exercises
that ATTACK your abs!
You need to not only apply effective tension
to the abs, but you also need to hit them from every conceivable angle
to achieve that truly remarkable, eye-catching midsection that you
and I both know you're capable of.

Think of it this way...how
many directions can you move your torso and legs? Quite a few! And
all of these movements originate in the muscles of your core. Those
who say the abs can only move in one direction are TOTALLY missing
the boat when it comes to maximizing abdominal development. The
abdominal area is far more complex than a single simple movement like
the crunch or the leg raise can sum up.

You see, doing only crunches
and leg raises for your ab routine is like building a house without
a strong foundation or support beams. It may look good on the outside
but when you try to really use it, it's going to fall apart!

I don't know about you, but I
don't want abs that look good on the outside but crumble like
a house of cards when I do a heavy squat. I want the six pack
AND the rock-solid core strength and stability to back it up.
I want my abs to BE as strong as they look!

is a picture of me to the right
, the purpose of which
is to show you that I practice what I preach. I am NOT the kind
of trainer who is going to hide behind the computer and tell
you stuff that I don't do myself.

The ab exercises that I use
in my own training are the same ones I'm going to share with
you today...


if your dream has been to get a truly

flat stomach
but you've been doing

crunches for years without results,

I've got a secret to tell you...

It's a secret that most
professional personal trainers don't even know...crunches WON'T flatten
your stomach! If you want to know more about this, keep reading because
below I'm going to tell you exactly what WILL flatten your
stomach and why

This secret will shock
you because it makes such perfect sense once you learn it, yet almost
NO personal trainer can tell it to you. It's not that they don't know
what they're doing, it's just that they've been taught the same information
that you've been getting...that crunches are supposed to flatten the

In fact, if you're a personal
trainer reading this right now, this information is going to change
forever how you approach abdominal training with your clients. You'll
be able to guarantee a tighter waist
where everybody and everything else has failed. This will instantly
set you apart
from every other trainer in your area. You'll
know how to get rid of the "pooch" stomach and lower belly
, even on clients with low bodyfat.

As a bonus, strong abdominal
core strength also has the ability to reduce and even eliminate lower
back pain. You'll build your entire core area so strong, it'll be
like you're walking around with your own natural back-brace all day
long. Once you experience the power of good, solid core-training,
you'll never go back to plain old crunches ever again.

It's time to take off the training wheels and take your abs to the
next level...



  • You'll learn an amazing cable
    exercise that targets the extreme
    lower abs that NOTHING else can directly hit
    . This
    exercise sends the tension directly there to help tighten
    up and minimize the lower-ab "pooch" area that is
    so much trouble for so many people. If you desire that lower-ab
    "V" taper line that looks so good, this exercise
    is perfect for you.

  • target
    and tighten the "love handle" areas directly.

    Traditional side bend exercises will build up the muscles
    underneath the love handle area. NOT what we want! This
    actually pushes the fat pockets out and makes the area look
    bigger! The exercise you will learn relies on forcing an extremely
    hard contraction in the area, tightening it up and making
    it smaller, not adding mass to it and making it bigger.


will be training like a pro the moment you open this e-Book
with plenty of "no-brains-required" exercise descriptions,
pictures and videos.

I'm a personal trainer
by trade and I know exactly how to teach exercises so my clients learn
them as quickly and efficiently as possible. I've put all my teaching
and writing skills into explaining and demonstrating these exercises
so you won't have any problems learning the exercises at all.

  • I've made sure that every exercise
    description is very detailed and easy to understand
    . You'll
    always know exactly what you're doing through every stage of each

  • Exercise photos will guide
    you in proper form to help you get more effective tension out
    of each and every rep.

  • I've included
    large, full color exercise videos

    to show you exactly how a number of these exercises are performed.

  • You'll learn the common errors
    seen with each exercise so you know exactly how to avoid them.
    It's like having your own personal trainer (me) standing beside
    you while you're doing the exercises! You just can't go wrong.

  • You'll get a ton of incredible
    for making these already-effective exercises even more
    effective, kicking your gains into overdrive!

  • Every single exercise is accompanied
    by a printer-friendly version. You can print out each
    exercise and can take it to the gym with you so you'll do each
    exercise right every time

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will be available for download

immediately after purchase!

Best Arm Exercises You've

Never Heard Of...

So I'm going to keep this short
and to the point.

That's a picture of ME
to the right.

"Great! Who cares! How
does that get me great arms?"
I can
hear you saying right now... :)

that's my point exactly with the exercises in this book!

It doesn't matter
how long I've been training or how educated I am...what really
matters is that I have arm exercises that will get you RESULTS
and get 'em for you FAST.

got exercises that will develop incredible

biceps on you that will drop jaws at 20 paces

Check these

  • If you've ever had difficulty
    building your biceps, you'll appreciate this exercise.
    It's a variation of the pull-up that, when you add in
    the simple adjustment that I've come up with, throws
    90% of the muscle-building tension of the pull-up
    onto your biceps.
    You'll never have a problem building
    your biceps again! Imagine the results you'll get from
    a bicep exercise done using almost your ENTIRE BODYWEIGHT!

  • Now it's time for a unique
    version of the barbell curl that will hit your biceps
    extremely hard! It very strongly targets the lower aspect
    of the biceps, very similar to a Preacher Curl but without
    a preacher bench. I call the Incline Seated Barbell
    Curl and it looks like this...

  • The cable curl is an
    excellent exercise but I know a way to do it that puts
    such a massive stretch on your biceps that you can nearly
    feel your fibers tearing. Putting a great deal of tension
    on the muscle in its most stretched position has been
    shown to greatly increase muscle
    In fact, laboratory tests on cats
    have shown that under these conditions of tension and
    stretch, muscle hyperplasia (muscle fiber splitting)
    can occur. This means more muscle fibers!

    We can't necessarily, of course, generalize these results
    to humans, but once you've felt the intensity of the
    stretch and tension you'll get from this exercise, you
    may start meowing and looking for a saucer of warm milk.
    I will walk you through the technique I use to put such
    a potent stretch on my biceps that I barely have
    the strength to scratch my nose when I'm done with it.


And exercises that will build rock-solid,

sleeve-bursting triceps...

  • To demonstrate the
    power of this exercise for building your triceps,
    straighten your arms out tightly and try to force
    them behind your back as far as possible. Feel the
    squeeze on your triceps? This is the most highly contracted
    position the triceps can get into. Now imagine adding
    100 lbs of resistance to your triceps in that position!
    The contraction you feel will be the most intense
    you've ever felt in your triceps (possibly in any
    muscle) in your life.

    How is this done? I'll give you a hint. You
    use the pec-deck.

  • As I've said before,
    bodyweight exercises activate more muscle fibers than
    traditional weight exercises. The problem for advanced
    trainers can be in finding movements that are challenging
    enough to spur muscle growth. Not only is this stretch-position
    exercise for your triceps as challenging as you want
    it to be, it can be done pretty much anywhere. By
    simply adjusting your body position
    it can
    be easy enough for a total beginner or hard enough
    to challenge an Olympic-caliber athlete.

  • And if you're ready
    for a pushdown-style exercise that will work your
    triceps from top to bottom, keeping tension on the
    whole way through, have I got one for you. All it
    takes is an incline bench and pulley and you're set.
    Check it out...


here's the thing

...and you'll probably
wonder why the heck I'm telling you this when I'm talking about
a book that's nothing but arm exercises...

I just want to be straight
up with you.

arm work (like the exercises in this book) on it's own WON'T
build the most massive arms on you...

But direct
arm work WILL help you maximize your arm size potential,
especially when done in conjunction with heavy presses, rows,
deadlifts, etc.

Training the big exercises like bench
and rows is really no secret but it's something that seems often-forgetten
when it comes to building arms. You NEED that heavy "big exercise"
training to maximally stimulate growth in the arm muscles. There's
no getting around it.

But if you want REALLY
great arms...the kind of arms that literally
scare children
when they ask you to "make a muscle"
(talking from personal experience there ;)...

Direct arm work is


you're a female, in order to get those spectacular, head-turning
arms you want, you NEED to do direct arm work with RESISTANCE...

And by
resistance, I DON'T mean those pink 2 lb dumbells that you
see in fitness classes...the ones you can scratch your nose
with in the middle of a set...

You need to use
weights that CHALLENGE your muscles, just like a man's. Because
using very light resistance for very high reps is just NOT
going to get you the arms you WANT.

And I can PROMISE you,
even when using heavy resistance, you
WILL NOT get huge arms.

I always say, I only wish
I could gain muscle as fast as many women worry that
they will the instant they touch a weight :) It's just
not going to happen - you don't the hormonal equipment
(i.e. testosterone) to develop monster arms.

And let's face it...

Arm training is just
plain FUN... :)

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Best Chest Exercises You've

Never Heard Of...

You need the RIGHT exercises
that target the chest like GUIDED MISSILES,
delivering the tension
right where you need it and in the most efficient manner possible
(which is CRITICAL, especially if you're a "hardgainer"
with limited recovery resources).

new chest exercises will:

And let's face it...

There's a reason Monday
is always "chest day" in most gyms...

For most
people (guys AND gals!), chest training is a BIG priority...

So here's the bottom line..you're
going to get the

entire "Best Exercises" series along with ALL

the bonuses offered with these books when

you get this package now!

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