Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

The Delicious Revolution Cookbook - Healthy Food For Busy People. - Download

Dear Friend and Fellow Healthy Eater,

It’s tough to know what foods to make that will contribute to your health, taste delicious and be ready before you throw your hands up in frustration and order pizza. You've just discovered an easy to follow cookbook that makes healthy cooking fast and easy.

More and more doctors are stepping forward and admitting that they have been wrongly advising patients for YEARS! It’s not fats and carbs or even meats and cheeses that are causing the onslaught of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancers. It is the constant exposure to foods that aggravate the body.

Our bodies are amazing organic machines that can handle cholesterol and fats and even things that irritate our systems, but not if we barrage them relentlessly day after day. If we keep slamming our systems with processed foods and foods that don’t agree with our bodies we are willingly handing over our health, wasting our energy, tossing our vitality out the window and shortening our lifespan. But how do we know what foods irritate our totally unique, individual bodies?

After fifteen years of researching everything from extreme diets for alkalizing, vegetarianism, veganism, and raw foods, to diets that sing the praises of high volumes of animal proteins and whole fat raw dairy in attemps to find out what diet would work best for me, I was very informed but still hungry! I flooded my mind with dietary information, but experienced a drought of real world application. I was starving (literally and figuratively) for a practical guide to eating.

  Are You Literally Sick and Tired Of Asking These Same Questions And Not Getting The Answers You Need?

  • What can I make that contributes to my health and longevity, but also tastes delicious and is ready quickly?

  • What can I eat that is rich and creamy, but won’t make my ass the size of a city bus?

  • What can I pop in my mouth as a quick snack that won’t send my cholesterol or blood sugar off the charts?

  • What are quick, healthy breakfasts to start my day that won’t make me late for work?

  • What about salads and veggies, how can I make them taste great and get my family to eat them?

  • How can I make recipes so they are satisfying, not leaving me hungry again in an hour?

I had those same questions you did too. My predicament led me to listen to my body and pay attention to what it told me. I learned what my body needs, what my body reacts well (and not-so-well) to, what foods give me steady, lasting energy and sharp mental focus.

As it turns out I had no need for restrictive diets or challenging programs or loads expensive supplements. Delicious menus of real, whole foods allow me to enjoy the things so many diet plans warn against. I started sharing what I learned with friends and family and an ever expanding network of people. They started discovering what works for their bodies and how to adjust their own diets. I crated recipes that worked well for most everyone, avoiding processed and refined foods and focusing on real, whole foods and fresh produce.  

Everyone reaped such a wide array of benefits from the healthy recipes, that I committed to The Delicious Revolution.

 Does This Sound Too Good To Be True? 

It’s Not!  In Less Than A Few Short Hours From Right Now You Can Be Well On Your Way To Making Delicious, Healthy Meals That Will Have Your Family and Friends BEGGING For Seconds.

Let Me Teach You Exactly How To Make and Prepare
Delicious Meals Fast and Easy

The Delicious Revolution Cookbook

The Delicious Revolution Cookbook

Here's What You'll Get Inside
The Delicious Revolution Cookbook?

  • Over 100 Easy to Make Delicious & Healthy Recipes! Each recipe has a Gorgeous Full Color Professional Photograph. There's simply nothing like this cookbook available anywhere else.

  • The Delicious Manifesto! A clear cut guide to healthy eating that will once and for all explain why food is so much more than just fuel for your body.

  • The Delicious Kitchen Arsenal! A fabulous kitchen need not cost a fortune. Learn exactly what kitchen essentials to buy for picture perfect recipes every time.

  • The Healthy Pantry! Get the skinny on what to stock your pantry with to get and stay skinny. Before you stock your household with healthy goods learn what products to remove that are destroying your health from the inside out. What you don't know may be killing you.

  • 25 Stunning Breakfast Recipes! Breakfast is the dietary launch platform for the day. Some days require a quick take off; for those days use the recipes listed as Staples. For leisurely mornings and lavish brunches, turn to the section of Splurges.

  • 20 Tapas, Appetizers, Hors d’oeuvres, Starters, Snacks & Small Plates! Treating your palate to small doses of varied flavors is a luxurious way to dine. Whether you use these small plates to jump start appetites, to make a meal of them, or as a light accompaniment to a glass of wine at sunset, you are sure to impress with very little effort.

  • A Smattering Of 17 Mouth Watering Salad Recipes! No matter how you toss it, you can’t go wrong with fresh leafy greens. When greens have the starring roles in our diets, our health receives rave reviews.

  • 23 Main Event Entrees! These are the real life dinner staples, dishes your family and friends will request repeatedly. You'll never wonder, "What's For Dinner?" again.

  • Over 20 Delicious Desserts & Drinks The desserts are sweet and indulgent, but won’t require a stick of butter to get the job done. The beverages, from healthy elixirs to sweet libations, nicely compliment meals or can stand on their own as a special treat.

With Recipes from The Delicious Revolution you WILL NOT:

  • Sacrifice taste for health

  • Slave for hours in the kitchen

  • Be left feeling hungry or unsatisfied

  • Have your social activities restricted by your diet

  • Have to become a chef to get the recipes right

  • Be deprived of foods you love

  • Give up dessert!

With Recipes from The Delicious Revolution you WILL:

  • Eat delicious foods you love

  • Have healthy foods ready fast, nearly all recipes take under 20 minutes

  • Learn what to stock your pantry with for great results

  • Save money with efficient use of ingredients

  • Reduce waste with menu planning

  • Learn to listen to your own body and adjust your diet to your needs

  • Be empowered to create your own nutritious dishes

  • Impress your friends and family with delicious meals they won’t believe have health benefits

The Delicious Revolution Reviews

David Wolfe"This innovative cookbook is a work of art that will re-inspire within you the sensations of youthful rebellion."  

- David 'Avocado' Wolf
Author of The Sunfood Diet Success System, Eating For Beauty, Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future

Dr. Brooke Leverone N.D."Joy’s incessant curiosity and enthusiasm for healthy living, and delicious foods, has continued to inspire me both personally and professionally. As a Naturopathic Physician, nutrition and lifestyle play large roles when working with patients. I often prescribe special diets to help people achieve their health goals and use this book to help them re-enter a healthy, “normal” eating style once they are through with their restrictive diets. This book is easy to read and combines great tastes and healthy options. Joy understands the pleasures of a great splurge, and within these pages there are also ideas for the occasional treat.” ."

- Dr. Brooke Leverone N.D.
Sealttle, WA

Andrea Ruhl"People who hire me to meet their health goals are fiercely committed to their own vitality. With the demands I put on them, they have to be. As committed as they are, they still seem to struggle with what to eat. Some clients restrict their diets so much, they fail to enjoy eating and socializing. Others yo yo back and forth between green and gross. The Delicious Revolution is a no nonsense, simple approach to cooking that has healthy staples and delicious splurges too making it a great reference for my clients and anyone wanting a balanced, healthy diet. Get it? Got it? Good!"

- Andrea Ruhl
Personal Trainer and Chef

60 Day Risk Free Guarantee

60 Day Risk Free GuaranteeHere it is -- see if you think this is fair. And more importantly, see if this doesn't remove any possible reason you can think of not to at least TRY The Delicious Revolution and give it a chance to change your life.  

At only $27, you gotta get it. Matter of fact, you can try it RISK FREE for 60 Days -- 100% money back guarantee. And if you decide that The Delicious Revolutielicious Revolution includes everything you need to start preparing easy to make healthy recipes that taste delicious, then ask for a full refund.

All I'm asking is that you give it a fair shot. That you give yourself a fair shot to create the health and vitality you know you deserve. Remember, You're Worth It!

Get Your Copy of The Delicious Revolution Cookbook

For A Limited Time Only... $27


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Bon Appétit,

Joy Houston

Joy Houston
Author of The Delicious Revolution Cookbook

P.S. You've heard people say “there are no guarantees in life.” Well I disagree... and that's why The Delicious Revolution Cookbook is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee.

P.P.S. This Cookbook is NOT available in stores and can only be purchased through this website.

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Note To Reader: The Delicious Revolution is a downloadable e-Book. No physical book or products will be shipped to you. After you complete your order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-Book directly to your computer. The e-book is an Adobe Acrobat PDF. Yes, the e-Book can be viewed on BOTH PCs and MACs. If you don't have the Free Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader a free download is available once you're on the download page.

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