Discovers Secrets of the Bonsai Masters...And Finally
Breaks Years of Silence and Reveals How ANYONE, from Beginner
to Advanced, can Create and Care For Beautiful Bonsai Trees!"
If you answered "Me!"
to the above
question, you'll definitely want to read what's next...
If you
want to create and own beautiful Bonsai Trees, then get ready for some
good news.
finally a quick and easy, Step by Step, A to Z guide to creating your very own
Bonsai Trees...even if
you're new at it and you're not exactly a "green thumb".
single step...from the types of trees & plants that are suitable for
Bonsai, to the over dozen different styles and techniques are laid out for
you in a groundbreaking new book called:
Gardening Secrets" is an easy to understand quick-start guide that'll
show you how to create stunningly beautiful Bonsai trees quickly...even
if you're new at it.
In fact,
you'll be amazed at how simple it is to create authentic
Bonsai in no time flat...even if you're not a "master gardener".
reason you'll be off to such a fast start...and getting quick
results... is that the book is written in nothing but
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...Not the "scientific mumbo jumbo" that other books have.
what's really great is that it
comes with over 95 pages and dozens of full
color photos that show you exactly what to do.
listen, these aren't like those professionally done "garden
glamour" pictures that are in other
Bonsai Gardening books.
These are
real examples and time-tested bonsai gardening ideas that have been created by "regular people"
like you and me.
get tons of ideas and useful tips from the pictures alone, but
that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Here's Just a Small Portion of What You'll
Discover in "Bonsai Gardening Secrets":
Bonsai trees are formed and trained the way they are. (Hint: There's
a reason why different plants are used for different forms in Bonsai
Gardening. Just knowing what type(s) of plants to use with which
form really makes a huge difference!)
What are the "rules" of true Bonsai Gardening. You'll know the
symbolism and effect of every plant, stone, and grain of sand in
your Bonsai.
The insider secrets of Form Pruning, Maintenance Pruning, Plucking,
Defoliation, "Jin and Shari" (which makes even a very young trees
look like a classic "old" bonsai) and more! Plus you'll
quickly decide which is right for you.
How do
you choose the right accents for your Bonsai? From dwarf grass
and rush, to lichen and moss, you'll discover the best accents for
each and every one of your Bonsai!
Over 20 different bonsai-friendly plant species you can use in
your garden... So you can find out which plants are right for
you in a snap!
Discover the difference between
cascading style bonsai, and broom style bonsai (not to
mention over a dozen other styles).
Think you can't grow indoor bonsai?
With this detailed bonsai care guide...you can now!
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much more!
Finally, You Can
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Erik A. Olsen
A Fellow Bonsai Gardening Enthusiast
P.S. The Internet Introductory low price of only $17.47 is a part of a
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