Learn How To Face Paint Quickly and Easily with no experience required…even if you haven't got a creative bone in your body!
You can start creating amazing face painting designs that are so easy to learn and understand that will allow you to get started painting amazing designs tomorrow!
If you want a fast and easy way to learn how to face paint, this may be the most important page you will ever read.
Kelly Van Dorn
Dear New Face Painter
Face painting is an incredibly relaxing and fun way to spend time with your children, contribute to school functions and fund raisers.
Once you have access to our simple step by step lessons, you will be the hit of any event.
Soon you will be a must have at all the social events in your community. Kids will be asking if you are going to be there, you better have your supplies ready!
But Beware: Once the secret gets out that you are the resident face painting expert, you are going to get phone calls for every birthday, fund raiser and social functions!
As you know, children love face painting. Take a look at any birthday and you will see that all the other fun activities have only one or two children.
So where are all the kids?
Lined up in front of the face painter trying to choose between a tiger, a skeleton or a butterfly to have painted on their face!
The truth is, any social event that does not have a face painter isn't really complete. Kids LOVE face painting and the joy you see on their face is second to none. It’s truly priceless.
Unfortunately, There is not a Quality Product or any Information Available Today that Teaches You in an Easy to Understand, Step by Step Process like this product.
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Before a birthday party for my second son, he slowly walked up to me with a look I’ve seen before. He wanted something and was not good at showing it. He will never make a great poker player!
As he sat in silence eating a bowl of cereal, we didn’t say a word. I starred at him, waiting to learn what new toy or video game system he was going to ask me for.
Gently I asked him if something was on his mind. After some prodding, he told me that at school, they hired a face painter for the holidays and he LOVED it. I told him that was great, it sounded like so much fun.
Then came the request, he said Mom, do you think you could do some face painting at my birthday party? I told my friends you were the best.
I Had To Figure Out How To Become A Face Painter and Quickly!
Let me give you some background. I’ve NEVER painted a canvass, let alone a child’s face. I was petrified. I wanted to do it, but I was not born with the creative gene.
So like any other parent, drove him to school, came home and sat down to research information I could use to make this request happen for my son.
I spend hours per day researching face painting. It lasted days and I was forced to piece information together but it simply wasn’t adequate to actually show up and start painting.
To make a long story short, I spent hours using my three kids as testing models making a complete fool out of myself. But I was learning, slow and steady.
After getting the basics down, I started to gain confidence, then something bizarre and cute happened after Halloween. I painted my daughters face with a beautiful butterfly, gave her wings and she won “Best Costume” in her sixth grade class!
Shortly after that, I had parents calling me asking if I would make an appearance to do face painting at fund raisers and at birthday parties!
At that moment, I was so proud. And it clicked. I realized there were thousands of parents out there that saw the value of face painting. It’s cheap, can be used at any event and kids LOVED it!
I’ve become a Face Painting Expert!
As I look back on all the research I did, the time I spent at my local library, I realized there are some critical elements to become a great face painter:
- Easy to follow, step by step instructions to paint over 50 different designs easily.
- Understanding the strokes that will allow you to create a work of art.
- Learning what tools to use and what to stay away from.
- Understanding the basic foundation of face painting.
Once you have the foundation, and the strokes you need to use, you can follow the easy step by step instructions that will have you face painting like a professional!
Once I had these 4 techniques down, I could take any instruction and create an impressive face painting design, regardless of what it was.
Within a couple days I was able to paint:
- Amazing Tiger Designs
- Beautiful Butterfly Designs
- Scary Halloween costumes like Skeletons, Devils and Pumpkin faces
- Cute Dog and Cat designs that turned peoples heads.
And all of this is captured in step by step directions so it’s impossible to make a mistake! With written instructions and crystal clear video, learning how to face paint for any event will be a breeze!
Warning: If you are looking for a challenging face painting course, this certainly isn’t it. You are just going to be able to paint professional designs with ease.
I could not find anything that was of any value online. I bought other courses that promised a lot but gave VERY little in terms of how to design specific face painting designs. They assumed I knew how to create a dolphin on my own instead of teaching me how to do it.
The Directions literally said “now paint a dolphin on the cheek.”
Or worse, there was very little direction or images that helped me visualize what the face should look like.
I had no idea what I was doing. And these courses weren’t helping.
So I hired a professional face painter to show me the ropes. I wanted to learn everything about face painting designs.
Nothing over the top or elaborate, but great face painting designs that I could learn easily and effectively.
So over the course of a couple weeks, I’d learned as an apprentice from one of the most famous make up artists in Los Angeles.
Once my “apprenticeship” was complete, I was able to paint faces and I still love it to this day!
My immediate thought after returning home was, I have to get real information that actually teaches people face painting!
I really understood the process, the paints and the foundations for tons of designs so I organized everything I’d learned and put it on paper and video.
And once I organized it, I realized I could provide a complete one stop package that would teach people how to create beautiful face paintings.
And That’s How Face Painting Made Easy was born!
After spending time with a professional face painter, I set our to create the most complete guide for anyone that wanted to learn how to paint faces. My children’s friends parties became huge face painting hits and more importantly I was able to offer my new hobby as a means to create fundraiser's for great causes including Cancer Research, the Cancer Research Center for Children and school functions. I’m having the time of my life!
And you don't even have to be naturally artistic! All you need to do is:
Follow my simple steps to each face painting design. It's that easy!
I Want to Be Clear, If You Don’t Have a Creative Bone In Your Body, Cannot Draw a Stick Figure and Never Picked Up a Paint Brush, it Does Not Matter!!
Face Painting Made Easy is an all-inclusive guide including over 20 Video designs that will walk you through simple and intermediate face painting designs including:
- Tiger
- Puppy Dog
- Clown
- Pirate
- Skull
- Robot
- Butterfly
- Batman
- Vampires
- Dragons
- Snakes
- Flowers
- Superman
- Race cars
- Princess
- Bunny Rabbit
- Fairy
- Witch
- Cat
- Balloons
- And Much, Much More!
It’s Not Difficult by Any Stretch of the Imagination!! Just Look at How Easy the Step by Step process is:
Step #1 - Using a small piece of sponge and white paint pat around the eyes and up onto the forehead forming a teardrop shape covering the eyes, forehead and cheek areas. Then using either another sponge or a flat brush cover the rest of the face in red.
Step #2 - Load a medium sized brush with black paint and paint 2 lines from the top of the forehead right down to the bottom of the chin. Paint either side of the nose and wider than the mouth is naturally. Now add more lines as shown.
Step #3 - Add more lines across the face so they appear like part of a web. Once you are happy with your webbing I like to outline the white areas and also round the edge of the face so they stand out more... see what I mean?
Step #4 - There is no step 4! Sit back and watch the children run around with one of your master pieces painted on their face!
Its that easy! And Face Painting Made Easy shows you in a clear and easy step by step approach making it virtually impossible to make a mistake.
Note: This list was compiled after extensive research into what professional face painters have been asked the most, what face painters want to learn and most importantly - what children love the most!
Look! Just 6 Easy Steps To A Scary Tiger!:
It’s so easy!!
With Face Painting Made Easy's complete with step-by-step photos and videos along with instructions you will always have great face painting ideas and know how to face paint with complete ease!
Of course, In order to create great face painting designs, you will need to know the basics of face painting. I spent hours researching the basics so you don’t have to! It’s all included in Face Painting Made Easy!
Here Are Just Some of the Face Painting Techniques You Will Learn:
How to Paint Base Coats – This is the foundation of the design. It’s quick and simple but had to be done properly.
How to Paint Thin Lines – I will show you how to delicately paint feature lines with ease.
How to Paint Fat to Thin Lines – The thin lines create the character in the design. Our techniques come from the experts.
How to Paint a Straight Line – It may sound simple until you try it. But we have a simple trick that will have you drawing perfectly straight lines! Shhh…don’t tell anyone this one!
How to Paint Dots – There are two different ways to paint dots. Both are simple but you can choose the one that works for you.
How to Blend Colors Using the Drag and Blend Technique – So you can easily blend colors seamlessly and with ease.
How to Paint Two Colors Near Each Other Without Having it Smudge – With our professional technique that is easy to learn, smudging will never be a problem.
How to Paint Symmetrical Designs with Ease - both sides of your face painting design look good and even.
How to Create the Shimmer/Sparkle Effect - when you want to add a bit of pizzazz to your face paintings.
How to Create the Fur Effect – We teach you how to create the look of fur and fuzz when painting animals. It’s amazing.
How to Use Stick On Jewels – Jewels take your designs to another level. And the little girls LOVE them!
How to Apply Glitter Gels, Powders & Dusts – For those of you that want to take this to the next level, you are going to learn the secrets to applying extras that make your design pop!
You Are Going To Get a Professional Video Course That is Easy to Learn and Easy to Follow Including:
How To Face Paint with the Efficiency and speed of a professional face painter in just a few short days. Are You a Shaker? We will show you how to end that ;-) Safety first. This Face Painting Guide makes sure you are purchasing quality paints that are hyper allergenic. The Colors You’ll Need to Get Started so you aren’t wasting time with colors that are rarely used and have little value. The Difference Between Face Paint Cakes, Crèmes, Crayons, Pencils & Liquids to end all the confusion you once had, it explains what each one is generally used for and how you can effectively use them. How to Practice and Plan Your Designs when you don’t have a model. With these tips you’ll be able to practice painting in more than a few different ways without an actual person to paint on.
Just Take a Look at What People are Saying About Face Painting Made Easy!
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|Privacy Policy|Where to Get Face Paint|Finding Face Painting Design Ideas|Tools For Face Painting|How to Face Paint|Glitter With Face Painting Designs|Face Painting As a Business|Removing Face Paint|Top 10 Face Painting Designs For Girls|Top 10 face Painting Designs For Boys|Face Painting Safety Tips|
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